Package-level declarations


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open class Http : JsAny

Node.js HTTP class.

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object http : Http

Node.js HTTP module.

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Node.js HTTP server incoming message.

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class Server : JsAny

Node.js HTTP server.

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Node.js HTTP server server response.


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Compress String to encoded URI component.

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Decompress encoded URI component to String.

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Get a command line parameter value.

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Get the context path configured for the SSR engine.

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inline fun <T> getSsrState(json: Json = Json.Default): T?
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fun RouteBuilder.SsrRouteEffect(key: String? = null, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit)
fun RouteBuilder.NoMatch.SsrRouteEffect(key: String? = null, block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit)

LaunchedEffect wrapper prepared to catch and execute effect for all not matched routes. Use to make sure all routes are processed with SSR engine.

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fun IComponent.SsrRouter(initPath: String, ssrCondition: Boolean = true, stateSerializer: () -> String? = null, routeBuilder: @Composable RouteBuilder.() -> Unit)

A router supporting Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Uses a BrowserRouter when running in the browser and a custom router when running on the server.

fun IComponent.SsrRouter(initPath: String, ssrCondition: Boolean = true, stateSerializer: () -> String? = null, routeBuilder: @Composable RouteBuilder.(done: () -> Unit) -> Unit)

A router supporting Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with manual "done" callback. Uses a BrowserRouter when running in the browser and a custom router when running on the server.