Package-level declarations


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enum Theme : Enum<Theme>

Tailwindcss color themes.

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Color theme manager.


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fun IComponent.themeSwitcher(title: String? = "Switch color theme", autoIcon: String = "fas fa-circle-half-stroke", lightIcon: String = "fas fa-moon", darkIcon: String = "fas fa-sun", round: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable IButton.() -> Unit = {})

The theme switcher component for Tailwindcss.

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fun IComponent.themeSwitcherRef(title: String? = "Switch color theme", autoIcon: String = "fas fa-circle-half-stroke", lightIcon: String = "fas fa-moon", darkIcon: String = "fas fa-sun", round: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable IButton.() -> Unit = {}): Button

The theme switcher component for Tailwindcss, returning a reference.