Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractRichDateTime(disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, format: String, inline: Boolean = false, locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, renderConfig: RenderConfig = RenderConfig.Default) : Div, IAbstractRichDateTime

Tempus Dominus abstract rich date time component.

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data class DateTimeIcons(val time: String? = null, val date: String? = null, val up: String? = null, val down: String? = null, val previous: String? = null, val next: String? = null, val today: String? = null, val clear: String? = null, val close: String? = null)

Date and time component custom icons.

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Tempus Dominus base rich date time component interface.

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Tempus Dominus rich date component.

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Tempus Dominus rich date time component.

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Tempus Dominus rich time component.

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Tempus Dominus component month header format.

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open class RichDate(value: LocalDate? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", inline: Boolean = false, locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, renderConfig: RenderConfig = RenderConfig.Default, withStateFlowDelegate: WithStateFlowDelegate<LocalDate?> = WithStateFlowDelegateImpl()) : AbstractRichDateTime, DateFormControl, WithStateFlow<LocalDate?> , IRichDate

Tempus Dominus rich date component.

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open class RichDateTime(value: LocalDateTime? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", inline: Boolean = false, locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, renderConfig: RenderConfig = RenderConfig.Default, withStateFlowDelegate: WithStateFlowDelegate<LocalDateTime?> = WithStateFlowDelegateImpl()) : AbstractRichDateTime, DateTimeFormControl, WithStateFlow<LocalDateTime?> , IRichDateTime

Tempus Dominus rich date time component.

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open class RichTime(value: LocalTime? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, format: String = "HH:mm", inline: Boolean = false, locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, renderConfig: RenderConfig = RenderConfig.Default, withStateFlowDelegate: WithStateFlowDelegate<LocalTime?> = WithStateFlowDelegateImpl()) : AbstractRichDateTime, TimeFormControl, WithStateFlow<LocalTime?> , IRichTime

Tempus Dominus rich time component.

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enum Theme : Enum<Theme>

Tempus Dominus component color themes.

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Tempus Dominus component toolbar placements.

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Tempus Dominus component view modes.

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Tempus Dominus component year header format.


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fun IComponent.richDate(value: LocalDate? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, calendarIcon: String = "fas fa-calendar-alt", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichDate.() -> Unit = {})

Creates a RichDate component.

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fun IComponent.richDateRef(value: LocalDate? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, calendarIcon: String = "fas fa-calendar-alt", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichDate.() -> Unit = {}): RichDate

Creates a RichDate component, returning a reference.

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fun IComponent.richDateTime(value: LocalDateTime? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, calendarIcon: String = "fas fa-calendar-alt", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichDateTime.() -> Unit = {})

Creates a RichDateTime component.

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fun IComponent.richDateTimeRef(value: LocalDateTime? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, calendarIcon: String = "fas fa-calendar-alt", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichDateTime.() -> Unit = {}): RichDateTime

Creates a RichDateTime component, returning a reference.

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fun IComponent.richTime(value: LocalTime? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "HH:mm", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, clockIcon: String = "fas fa-clock", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichTime.() -> Unit = {})

Creates a RichTime component.

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fun IComponent.richTimeRef(value: LocalTime? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, inline: Boolean = false, format: String = "HH:mm", locale: Locale = LocaleManager.currentLocale, clockIcon: String = "fas fa-clock", inputClassName: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable IRichTime.() -> Unit = {}): RichTime

Creates a RichTime component, returning a reference.