Package-level declarations
Kotlin bindings for core Apache Cordova API.
Battery status.
Exception class for camera errors.
Camera options.
Exception class for media capture errors.
Geolocation coordinates values.
Cordova event types.
Exception class for file errors.
Main geolocation object based on webview api.
Exception class for geolocation errors.
Main object for Cordova InAppBrowser api.
InAppBrowser event type.
Main geolocation object based on Google location services api.
Main media capture object.
Media error class.
Media file details class.
Main object for Cordova notifications.
Pending result class.
Geolocaton error codes.
A response object for prompt function callback.
Resume event class.
Main object for Cordova splashscreen.
System directories class.
Add listeners for a Cordova events.
Add listeners for 'deviceready' Cordova event.
Add listeners for 'pause' Cordova event.
Add listeners for 'resume' Cordova event.
Create a FileWriter object for a given file entry.
Returns the current amplitude within an audio file.
Returns the current position within an audio file.
Get or create a directory in a given parent directory.
Get details for the given file.
Get file or directory metadata.
Get file or directory parent directory entry.
Read file content as an array buffer.
Read file content as a data url.
Read file content as a plain string.
List directory entries for a given parent directory entry.
List directory entries for a given DirectoryReader.
Remove given directory recursively.
Convert array buffer to a blob.
Extension function to convert String to a directory entry.
Extension function to convert String to a file entry.
Write file content from a data url.