Package-level declarations

Material web chips components (chip set, chip).


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open class MdAssistChip : MdChip

Assist chips represent smart or automated actions that can span multiple apps, such as opening a calendar event from the home screen.

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abstract class MdChip : MdItemWidget, HasIconSlot

Chips help people enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions.

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open class MdChipSet(className: String? = null, init: MdChipSet.() -> Unit? = null) : MdListWidget<MdChip>

Chips should always appear in a set. Chip set are toolbars that can display any type of chip or other toolbar items.

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open class MdFilterChip(label: String, elevated: Boolean = false, removable: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, ariaLabelRemove: String? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdFilterChip.() -> Unit? = null) : MdChip, RemovableChip

Filter chips use tags or descriptive words to filter content. They can be a good alternative to toggle buttons or checkboxes.

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open class MdInputChip(label: String, avatar: Boolean = false, href: String? = null, target: LinkTarget? = null, removeOnly: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, ariaLabelRemove: String? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdInputChip.() -> Unit? = null) : MdChip, RemovableChip

Input chips represent discrete pieces of information entered by a user, such as Gmail contacts or filter options within a search field.

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open class MdSuggestionChip(label: String, elevated: Boolean = false, href: String? = null, target: LinkTarget? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdSuggestionChip.() -> Unit? = null) : MdAssistChip

Suggestion chips help narrow a user’s intent by presenting dynamically generated suggestions, such as possible responses or search filters.

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interface RemovableChip

Chip which displays a remove button.


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fun MdChipSet.assistChip(label: String, elevated: Boolean = false, href: String? = null, target: LinkTarget? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdAssistChip.() -> Unit? = null): MdAssistChip
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fun Container.chipSet(className: String? = null, init: MdChipSet.() -> Unit? = null): MdChipSet
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fun MdChipSet.filterChip(label: String, elevated: Boolean = false, removable: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, ariaLabelRemove: String? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdFilterChip.() -> Unit? = null): MdFilterChip
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fun MdChipSet.inputChip(label: String, avatar: Boolean = false, href: String? = null, target: LinkTarget? = null, removeOnly: Boolean = false, selected: Boolean = false, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, ariaLabelRemove: String? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdInputChip.() -> Unit? = null): MdInputChip
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fun <T : MdChip, RemovableChip> SnOn<T>.remove(action: (Event) -> Unit)

Dispatched when the remove button is clicked.

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fun MdChipSet.suggestionChip(label: String, elevated: Boolean = false, href: String? = null, target: LinkTarget? = null, disabled: Boolean = false, alwaysFocusable: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdSuggestionChip.() -> Unit? = null): MdSuggestionChip
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fun SnOn<out MdChip>.updateFocus(action: (Event) -> Unit)

Dispatched when disabled is toggled. Event.bubbles