Package-level declarations
Material web fab components (fab, branded fab).
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FAB represents the most important action on a screen. It puts key actions within reach.
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open class MdBrandedFab(label: String? = null, size: FabSize = FabSize.Medium, lowered: Boolean = false, touchTarget: TouchTarget? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdBrandedFab.() -> Unit? = null) : MdBaseFab
Branded FABs use a brightly colored logo for their icon. Unlike FAB, branded FABs do not have color variants.
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open class MdFab(label: String? = null, variant: FabVariant = FabVariant.Surface, size: FabSize = FabSize.Medium, lowered: Boolean = false, touchTarget: TouchTarget? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdFab.() -> Unit? = null) : MdBaseFab
FABs should display a clear and understandable icon.
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fun Container.brandedFab(label: String? = null, size: FabSize = FabSize.Medium, lowered: Boolean = false, touchTarget: TouchTarget? = null, className: String? = null, init: MdBrandedFab.() -> Unit? = null): MdBrandedFab