Package-level declarations
Material web menu components (menu, menu item, submenu).
DSL Marker for menu building.
Menus display a list of choices on a temporary surface.
Menu items are element that belongs to a menu.
Submenus is nested inside a menu and display a list of choices on a temporary surface.
Component which holds a menu and its anchor.
Requests the parent menu to activate the typeahead functionality when a submenu closes. Event.bubbles, Event.composed.
Closes the encapsulating menu on closable interaction. CustomEvent.bubbles, CustomEvent.composed
Requests the parent menu to deselect other items when a submenu opens. Event.bubbles, Event.composed.
Requests the parent menu to deactivate the typeahead functionality when a submenu opens. Event.bubbles, Event.composed.
Factory for obtaining an instance of MenuAnchor.
Factory for obtaining an instance of MenuAnchor. The returned component is added to this Container.
Requests the parent to make the slotted item focusable and focus the item. Event.bubbles, Event.composed.