Package-level declarations

Material web progress components (circular, linear).


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open class MdCircularProgress(value: Number = 0, max: Number = 1, indeterminate: Boolean = false, fourColor: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdCircularProgress.() -> Unit? = null) : MdProgress

Circular progress indicator type.

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open class MdLinearProgress(buffer: Number = 1, value: Number = 0, max: Number = 1, indeterminate: Boolean = false, fourColor: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdLinearProgress.() -> Unit? = null) : MdProgress

Linear progress indicator type.

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open class MdProgress : MdWidget

Progress indicators inform users about the status of ongoing processes, such as loading an app or submitting a form.


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fun Container.circularProgress(value: Number = 0, max: Number = 1, indeterminate: Boolean = false, fourColor: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdCircularProgress.() -> Unit? = null): MdCircularProgress
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fun Container.linearProgress(buffer: Number = 1, value: Number = 0, max: Number = 1, indeterminate: Boolean = false, fourColor: Boolean = false, className: String? = null, init: MdLinearProgress.() -> Unit? = null): MdLinearProgress