Package-level declarations

Simple and easy to use JavaScript router wrapper.


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class BallastRouterFactory(val root: String? = null, val useHash: Boolean = true, val notFoundHandler: (String) -> Any? = null) : RouterFactory

A router factory for Ballast routing module.

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data class KVRoute(val routeFormat: String, val handler: (Any) -> Unit? = null, val annotations: Set<RouteAnnotation> = emptySet(), val matcher: RouteMatcher = RouteMatcher.create(routeFormat)) : Route
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class KVRouterViewModel(routingTable: KVRoutingTable, initialRoute: KVRoute, basePath: String? = null, useHash: Boolean = true, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) : BasicViewModel<RouterContract.Inputs<KVRoute>, RouterContract.Events<KVRoute>, RouterContract.State<KVRoute>>
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class KVRoutingTable : RoutingTable<KVRoute>
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open class Routing(root: String? = null, useHash: Boolean = true, notFoundHandler: (String) -> Any? = null) : KVRouter

A helper class for Ballast router.