Package-level declarations

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.


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expect open class KVServiceManager<out T : Any>(serviceClass: KClass<T>) : KVServiceMgr<T>

Multiplatform service manager.

actual open class KVServiceManager<out T : Any>(serviceClass: KClass<T>) : KVServiceManagerJs<T> , KVServiceMgr<T>

Multiplatform service manager.

Multiplatform service manager for Vert.x.

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typealias RequestHandler = (RoutingContext) -> Unit
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typealias WebsocketHandler = (Injector, ServerWebSocket) -> Unit


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fun <T : Any> Vertx.applyRoutes(router: Router, serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, serializersModules: List<SerializersModule>? = null)

A function to generate routes based on definitions from the service manager.

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This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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fun getServiceManagers(vararg kclass: KClass<*>): List<KVServiceManager<*>>

This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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fun Router.initStaticResources()

Initialize default static resources for Vert.x server.

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fun Vertx.kvisionInit(router: Router, vararg modules: Module): Injector
fun Vertx.kvisionInit(initStaticResources: Boolean = true, router: Router, vararg modules: Module): Injector

Initialization function for Vert.x server.

fun Vertx.kvisionInit(router: Router, server: HttpServer, wsServiceManagers: List<KVServiceManager<*>> = emptyList(), serializersModules: List<SerializersModule>? = null, vararg modules: Module): Injector
fun Vertx.kvisionInit(initStaticResources: Boolean = true, router: Router, server: HttpServer, wsServiceManagers: List<KVServiceManager<*>> = emptyList(), serializersModules: List<SerializersModule>? = null, vararg modules: Module): Injector

Initialization function for Vert.x server with support for WebSockets.

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fun Router.serviceRoute(service: KVServiceManager<*>, handler: Handler<RoutingContext>)