Package-level declarations

Classes supporting the observer pattern, including the implementation of the observable list.


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Observable list interface.

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class ObservableListWrapper<T>(val mutableList: MutableList<T> = mutableListOf()) : MutableList<T> , ObservableList<T> , ObservableState<List<T>>

Simple observable list implementation.

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Observable set interface.

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class ObservableSetWrapper<T>(val mutableSet: MutableSet<T> = mutableSetOf()) : MutableSet<T> , ObservableSet<T> , ObservableState<Set<T>>

Simple observable set implementation.


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fun <S, W : Component> W.bind(observableState: ObservableState<S>, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: W.(S) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the widget to the observable state.

fun <S, T, W : Component> W.bind(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> T, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: W.(T) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the widget to the observable state using the sub state extractor.

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fun <S, W : SimplePanel> W.bindEach(observableState: ObservableState<List<S>>, equalizer: (S, S) -> Boolean? = null, factory: W.(S) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the container to the observable state with a list of items.

fun <S, T, W : SimplePanel> W.bindEach(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> List<T>, equalizer: (T, T) -> Boolean? = null, factory: SimplePanel.(T) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the container to the observable state with a list of items using the sub state extractor.

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fun <S, W : Component> W.bindSync(observableState: ObservableState<S>, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: W.(S) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the widget to the observable state synchronously. It's less efficient than bind, but fully compatible with KVision 4 state bindings.

fun <S, T, W : Component> W.bindSync(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> T, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: W.(T) -> Unit): W

An extension function which binds the widget to the observable state synchronously using the sub state extractor. It's less efficient than bind, but fully compatible with KVision 4 state bindings.

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Bidirectional data binding to the MutableState instance.

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fun <S, W : SimplePanel> W.insert(observableState: ObservableState<S>, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(S) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state.

fun <S, T, W : SimplePanel> W.insert(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> T, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(T) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state using the sub state extractor.

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fun <S, W : SimplePanel> W.insertNotNull(observableState: ObservableState<S?>, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(S) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state when the state value is not null.

fun <S, T, W : SimplePanel> W.insertNotNull(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> T?, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(T) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state using the sub state extractor when the state value is not null.

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fun <S, W : SimplePanel> W.insertWhen(observableState: ObservableState<S>, condition: (S) -> Boolean, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(S) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state when the given condition is true.

fun <S, T, W : SimplePanel> W.insertWhen(observableState: ObservableState<S>, sub: (S) -> T, condition: (T) -> Boolean, removeChildren: Boolean = true, runImmediately: Boolean = true, factory: SimplePanel.(T) -> Unit): SimplePanel

An extension function which inserts child component and binds it to the observable state using the sub state extractor when the given condition is true.

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fun <T> observableListOf(vararg items: T): ObservableList<T>

Creates an instance of ObservableList

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fun <T> observableSetOf(vararg items: T): ObservableSet<T>

Creates an instance of ObservableSet

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fun <S, T> ObservableState<S>.sub(contextWidget: Widget? = null, extractor: (S) -> T): ObservableState<T>

Returns a sub-store of the original ObservableState