Package-level declarations
Text input components, with password, text area, rich text area and typeahead support.
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open class TomTypeaheadRemote<out T : Any>(serviceManager: KVServiceMgr<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: () -> String? = null, type: InputType = InputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, tsCallbacks: TomSelectCallbacks? = null, requestFilter: suspend RequestInit.() -> Unit? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: TomTypeaheadRemote<T>.() -> Unit? = null) : AbstractText
The form field component for TomTypeaheadRemote control.
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open class TomTypeaheadRemoteInput<out T : Any>(serviceManager: KVServiceMgr<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: () -> String? = null, type: InputType = InputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, tsCallbacks: TomSelectCallbacks? = null, requestFilter: suspend RequestInit.() -> Unit? = null, className: String? = null, init: TomTypeaheadRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit? = null) : TomTypeaheadInput
The TomTypeaheadInput control connected to the fullstack service.
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fun <T : Any> Container.tomTypeaheadRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceMgr<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: () -> String? = null, type: InputType = InputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, tsCallbacks: TomSelectCallbacks? = null, requestFilter: suspend RequestInit.() -> Unit? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: TomTypeaheadRemote<T>.() -> Unit? = null): TomTypeaheadRemote<T>
DSL builder extension function.
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fun <T : Any> Container.tomTypeaheadRemoteInput(serviceManager: KVServiceMgr<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: () -> String? = null, type: InputType = InputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, tsCallbacks: TomSelectCallbacks? = null, requestFilter: suspend RequestInit.() -> Unit? = null, className: String? = null, init: TomTypeaheadRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit? = null): TomTypeaheadRemoteInput<T>
DSL builder extension function.