Package-level declarations

Full-featured chart component based on chart.js library.


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data class AnimationOptions(val duration: Int = 1000, var easing: Eeasing = Eeasing.EASEOUTQUART, val delay: Number? = null, val loop: Boolean? = null, val onProgress: (obj: AnimationEvent) -> Unit? = null, val onComplete: (obj: AnimationEvent) -> Unit? = null, val disabled: Boolean? = null)

Chart animation options.

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data class ArcOptions(val angle: Number? = null, val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val borderAlign: TitleAlign? = null, val borderColor: Color? = null, val borderWidth: Int? = null, val borderJoinStyle: LineJoin? = null)

Chart arc options.

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data class BarOptions(val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val borderColor: Color? = null, val borderWidth: Int? = null, val borderSkipped: SkipMode? = null, val borderRadius: Number? = null, val inflateAmount: Number? = null, val pointStyle: PointStyle? = null)

Chart bar options.

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Border align modes.

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data class BorderOptions(val display: Boolean? = null, val color: Color? = null, val width: Int? = null, val dash: List<Number>? = null, val dashOffset: Number? = null)

Chart border options.

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open class Chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, className: String? = null, init: Chart.() -> Unit? = null) : Widget

Chart component.

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data class ChartFont(val family: String? = null, val size: Number? = null, val style: String? = null, val weight: String? = null, val lineHeight: Number? = null)

Chart font options.

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data class ChartOptions(val responsive: Boolean = true, val aspectRatio: Number? = null, val maintainAspectRatio: Boolean = true, val onResize: (chart: Chart, newSize: ChartSize) -> Unit? = null, val resizeDelay: Int? = null, val devicePixelRatio: Number? = null, val locale: String? = null, val interaction: InteractionOptions? = null, val hover: InteractionOptions? = null, val events: List<String>? = null, val onHover: (event: ChartEvent, elements: Array<ActiveElement>, chart: Chart) -> Any? = null, val onClick: (event: ChartEvent, elements: Array<ActiveElement>, chart: Chart) -> Any? = null, val animation: AnimationOptions? = null, val animations: dynamic = null, val transitions: dynamic = null, val layout: LayoutOptions? = null, val elements: ElementsOptions? = null, val elementsDynamic: dynamic = null, val scales: Map<String, ChartScales>? = null, val scalesDynamic: dynamic = null, val showLine: Boolean? = null, val spanGaps: Boolean? = null, val cutoutPercentage: Int? = null, val circumference: Double? = null, val rotation: Double? = null, val plugins: PluginsOptions? = null, val pluginsDynamic: dynamic = null, val datasets: dynamic = null)

Chart options.

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data class ChartScales(val type: ScalesType? = null, val alignToPixels: Boolean? = null, val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val display: Boolean? = null, val grid: GridLineOptions? = null, val border: BorderOptions? = null, val min: dynamic = null, val max: dynamic = null, val reverse: Boolean? = null, val stacked: Boolean? = null, val suggestedMax: Number? = null, val suggestedMin: Number? = null, val ticks: TickOptions? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val bounds: ScaleBounds? = null, val position: Position? = null, val stack: String? = null, val stackWeight: Number? = null, val axis: String? = null, val offset: Boolean? = null, val title: ScaleTitleOptions? = null, val labels: List<String>? = null, val beginAtZero: Boolean? = null, val grace: dynamic = null, val adapters: dynamic = null, val time: dynamic = null, val animate: Boolean? = null, val angleLines: dynamic = null, val pointLabels: dynamic = null, val startAngle: Number? = null)

Chart scales.

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Chart types.

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data class Configuration(val type: ChartType, val dataSets: List<DataSets>, val labels: List<String>? = null, val options: ChartOptions? = null, val optionsDynamic: dynamic = null, val plugins: List<dynamic>? = null)

Chart configuration.

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Tick cross align modes.

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data class DataSets(val cubicInterpolationMode: InterpolationMode? = null, val backgroundColor: List<Color>? = null, val borderWidth: List<Int>? = null, val borderColor: List<Color>? = null, val borderCapStyle: LineCap? = null, val borderDash: List<Int>? = null, val borderDashOffset: Number? = null, val borderJoinStyle: LineJoin? = null, val borderSkipped: List<Position>? = null, val clip: dynamic = null, val data: List<dynamic>? = null, val fill: dynamic = null, val hoverBackgroundColor: List<Color>? = null, val hoverBorderColor: List<Color>? = null, val hoverBorderWidth: List<Int>? = null, val hoverBorderCapStyle: LineCap? = null, val hoverBorderDash: List<Int>? = null, val hoverBorderDashOffset: Number? = null, val hoverBorderJoinStyle: LineJoin? = null, val indexAxis: String? = null, val label: String? = null, val order: Number? = null, val pointBorderColor: List<Color>? = null, val pointBackgroundColor: List<Color>? = null, val pointBorderWidth: List<Int>? = null, val pointRadius: List<Number>? = null, val pointHoverRadius: List<Number>? = null, val pointHitRadius: List<Number>? = null, val pointHoverBackgroundColor: List<Color>? = null, val pointHoverBorderColor: List<Color>? = null, val pointHoverBorderWidth: List<Int>? = null, val pointRotation: List<Number>? = null, val pointStyle: List<PointStyle>? = null, val segment: dynamic = null, val showLine: Boolean? = null, val spanGaps: Boolean? = null, val stack: String? = null, val stepped: Boolean? = null, val tension: Number? = null, val xAxisID: String? = null, val yAxisID: String? = null, val base: Number? = null, val barPercentage: Number? = null, val barThickness: dynamic = null, val borderRadius: List<Number>? = null, val categoryPercentage: Number? = null, val grouped: Boolean? = null, val hoverBorderRadius: List<Number>? = null, val inflateAmount: List<Number>? = null, val maxBarThickness: Number? = null, val minBarLegth: Number? = null, val skipNull: Boolean? = null, val circumference: Number? = null, val offset: List<Number>? = null, val rotation: Number? = null, val spacing: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val hitRadius: List<Number>? = null, val hoverRadius: List<Number>? = null, val radius: List<dynamic>? = null, val borderAlign: BorderAlign? = null, val cutout: dynamic = null, val animation: dynamic = null, val drawActiveElementsOnTop: Boolean? = null, val circular: Boolean? = null)

Chart data sets.

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Chart animation easings.

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data class ElementsOptions(val point: PointOptions? = null, val line: LineOptions? = null, val arc: ArcOptions? = null, val bar: BarOptions? = null)

Chart elements options.

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data class GridLineOptions(val display: Boolean = true, val color: Color? = null, val lineWidth: Int? = null, val drawOnChartArea: Boolean? = null, val drawTicks: Boolean? = null, val offset: Boolean? = null, val tickLength: Number? = null, val tickWidth: Number? = null, val tickColor: Color? = null, val tickBorderDash: List<Number>? = null, val tickBorderDashOffset: Number? = null, val circular: Boolean? = null, val z: Number? = null)

Chart grid line options.

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Chart interaction modes.

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data class InteractionOptions(val mode: InteractionMode = InteractionMode.NEAREST, val intersect: Boolean = true, val axis: String = "x", val includeInvisible: Boolean = true)

Chart interactions options.

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Chart interpolation modes.

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data class LayoutOptions(val autoPadding: Boolean = true, val padding: LayoutPaddingObject? = null)

Chart layout options.

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data class LayoutPaddingObject(val top: Int? = null, val right: Int? = null, val bottom: Int? = null, val left: Int? = null)

Chart layout padding options.

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Legend align options.

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Legend item align options.

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data class LegendLabelOptions(val boxWidth: Int = 40, val boxHeight: Int? = null, val color: Color? = null, val font: ChartFont? = null, val padding: Int = 10, val generateLabels: (chart: Any) -> Array<LegendItem>? = null, val filter: (legendItem: LegendItem, data: ChartData) -> Boolean? = null, val sort: (a: LegendItem, b: LegendItem, data: ChartData) -> Number? = null, val usePointStyle: Boolean = false, val pointStyle: PointStyle? = null, val textAlign: LegendLabelAlign? = null)

Chart legend label options.

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data class LegendOptions(val display: Boolean = true, val position: Position = Position.TOP, val align: LegendAlign? = null, val maxHeight: Int? = null, val maxWidth: Int? = null, val fullSize: Boolean = true, val reverse: Boolean = false, val labels: LegendLabelOptions? = null, val rtl: Boolean? = null, val textDirection: TextDirection? = null, val title: LegendTitleOptions? = null, val onClick: (event: ChartEvent, legendItem: LegendItem, legend: LegendElement) -> Unit? = null, val onHover: (event: ChartEvent, legendItem: LegendItem, legend: LegendElement) -> Unit? = null, val onLeave: (event: ChartEvent, legendItem: LegendItem, legend: LegendElement) -> Unit? = null)

Chart legend options.

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data class LegendTitleOptions(val display: Boolean? = null, val color: Color? = null, val font: ChartFont? = null, val padding: Int? = null, val text: String? = null)

Chart legend title options.

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Canvas line end point styles.

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Canvas line join styles.

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data class LineOptions(val cubicInterpolationMode: InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.DEFAULT, val tension: Double? = null, val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val borderWidth: Int? = null, val borderColor: Color? = null, val borderCapStyle: LineCap? = null, val borderDash: List<Any>? = null, val borderDashOffset: Number? = null, val borderJoinStyle: LineJoin? = null, val capBezierPoints: Boolean? = null, val fill: Boolean? = null, val stepped: Boolean? = null)

Chart line options.

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data class PluginsOptions(val legend: LegendOptions? = null, val title: TitleOptions? = null, val subtitle: TitleOptions? = null, val tooltip: TooltipOptions? = null)

Built-in plugins options.

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data class PointOptions(val radius: Int = 3, val pointStyle: PointStyle = PointStyle.CIRCLE, val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val borderWidth: Int = 1, val borderColor: Color? = null, val hitRadius: Int = 1, val hoverRadius: Int = 4, val hoverBorderWidth: Int = 1)

Chart point options.

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Chart point styles.

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Chart objects positions.

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Scales bounds modes.

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Chart scales.

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data class ScaleTitleOptions(val display: Boolean? = null, val color: Color? = null, val font: ChartFont? = null, val padding: LayoutPaddingObject? = null, val align: TitleAlign? = null, val text: String? = null)

Chart scale title options.

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Chart bar border skip modes.

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Legend text direction options.

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data class TickOptions(val callback: (value: Any, index: Any, values: Any) -> dynamic? = null, val display: Boolean = true, val backdropColor: Color? = null, val backdropPadding: LayoutPaddingObject? = null, val color: Color? = null, val font: ChartFont? = null, val major: dynamic = null, val padding: Number? = null, val showLabelBackdrop: Boolean? = null, val textStrokeColor: Color? = null, val textStrokeWidth: Number? = null, val z: Number? = null, val align: TitleAlign? = null, val crossAlign: CrossAlign? = null, val sampleSize: Number? = null, val autoSkip: Boolean? = null, val autoSkipPadding: Number? = null, val includeBounds: Boolean? = null, val labelOffset: Number? = null, val maxRotation: Number? = null, val minRotation: Number? = null, val mirror: Boolean? = null, val count: Number? = null, val format: dynamic = null, val maxTicksLimit: Int? = null, val precision: Number? = null, val stepSize: Number? = null, val source: dynamic = null)

Chart tick options.

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Title align options.

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data class TitleOptions(val align: TitleAlign? = null, val display: Boolean = false, val position: Position = Position.TOP, val color: Color? = null, val font: ChartFont? = null, val padding: Int = 10, val fullSize: Boolean? = null, val text: List<String>? = null)

Chart title options.

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Title and body align options.

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data class TooltipCallback(val beforeTitle: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val title: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val afterTitle: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val beforeBody: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val beforeLabel: (tooltipItem: TooltipItem) -> dynamic? = null, val label: (tooltipItem: TooltipItem) -> dynamic? = null, val labelColor: (tooltipItem: TooltipItem, chart: Chart) -> TooltipLabelStyle? = null, val labelTextColor: (tooltipItem: TooltipItem, chart: Chart) -> String? = null, val afterLabel: (tooltipItem: TooltipItem) -> dynamic? = null, val afterBody: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val beforeFooter: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val footer: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null, val afterFooter: (item: Array<TooltipItem>) -> dynamic? = null)

Chart tooltips callbacks.

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data class TooltipOptions(val enabled: Boolean = true, val external: (ctx: TooltipContext) -> Unit? = null, val mode: InteractionMode? = null, val intersect: Boolean? = null, val position: TooltipPosition? = null, val callbacks: TooltipCallback? = null, val filter: (e: TooltipItem, index: Number, array: Array<TooltipItem>, data: ChartData) -> Boolean? = null, val itemSort: (a: TooltipItem, b: TooltipItem, data: ChartData) -> Number? = null, val backgroundColor: Color? = null, val titleColor: Color? = null, val titleFont: ChartFont? = null, val titleAlign: TooltipAlign? = null, val titleSpacing: Int? = null, val titleMarginBottom: Int? = null, val bodyColor: Color? = null, val bodyFont: ChartFont? = null, val bodyAlign: TooltipAlign? = null, val bodySpacing: Int? = null, val footerColor: Color? = null, val footerFont: ChartFont? = null, val footerAlign: TooltipAlign? = null, val footerSpacing: Int? = null, val footerMarginTop: Int? = null, val padding: LayoutPaddingObject? = null, val caretPadding: Int? = null, val caretSize: Int? = null, val cornerRadius: Int? = null, val multiKeyBackground: Color? = null, val displayColors: Boolean? = null, val boxWidth: Int? = null, val boxHeight: Int? = null, val boxPadding: Number? = null, val usePointStyle: Boolean? = null, val borderColor: Color? = null, val borderWidth: Int? = null, val rtl: Boolean? = null, val textDirection: TextDirection? = null, val xAlign: TooltipAlign? = null, val yAlign: TooltipAlign? = null)

Chart tooltip options.

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Chart tooltip positions.

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Chart update modes.


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fun Container.chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, className: String? = null, init: Chart.() -> Unit? = null): Chart

DSL builder extension function.

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fun AnimationOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun ArcOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun BarOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun BorderOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun ChartFont.toJs(): dynamic
fun ElementsOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun GridLineOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun InteractionOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun LayoutOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun LayoutPaddingObject.toJs(): dynamic
fun LegendLabelOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun LineOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun PointOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun TickOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun TooltipCallback.toJs(): dynamic
fun TooltipOptions.toJs(): dynamic
fun ChartOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun ChartScales.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun DataSets.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun LegendOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun LegendTitleOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun PluginsOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun ScaleTitleOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic
fun TitleOptions.toJs(i18nTranslator: (String) -> String): dynamic

An extension function to convert configuration class to JS object.