Package-level declarations


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open external class DivOverlay<T : DivOverlay.DivOverlayOptions>(options: DivOverlay.DivOverlayOptions = definedExternally, source: Layer<*> = definedExternally) : Layer<Layer.LayerOptions>
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open external class ImageOverlay(imageUrl: String, bounds: LatLngBounds, options: ImageOverlay.ImageOverlayOptions = definedExternally) : Layer<ImageOverlay.ImageOverlayOptions> , MediaOverlay

Used to load and display a single image over specific bounds of the map.

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external interface MediaOverlay

Artificial interface that does not represent a Leaflet type. It is used to align ImageOverlay, SVGOverlay, and VideoOverlay, because getElement and methods that return this are dynamic.

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open external class Popup(source: Layer<*> = definedExternally, options: Popup.PopupOptions = definedExternally) : DivOverlay<Popup.PopupOptions>

Used to open popups in certain places of the map. Use LeafletMap.openPopup to open popups while making sure that only one popup is open at one time (recommended for usability), or use LeafletMap.addLayer to open as many as you want.

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open external class Tooltip(source: Layer<*> = definedExternally, options: Tooltip.TooltipOptions? = definedExternally) : DivOverlay<Tooltip.TooltipOptions>
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