Package-level declarations

Classes supporting general purpose Bootstrap modals with convenient helpers for alert and confirm popup dialogs.


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open class Alert(caption: String? = null, text: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, size: ModalSize? = null, animation: Boolean = true, centered: Boolean = false, callback: () -> Unit? = null) : Modal

Alert window based on Bootstrap modal.

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open class CloseIcon : Widget

Helper class for close icon component.

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open class Confirm(caption: String? = null, text: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, size: ModalSize? = null, animation: Boolean = true, centered: Boolean = false, cancelVisible: Boolean = false, yesTitle: String = "Yes", noTitle: String = "No", cancelTitle: String = "Cancel", noCallback: () -> Unit? = null, yesCallback: () -> Unit? = null) : Modal

Confirm window based on Bootstrap modal.

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open class Dialog<R>(caption: String? = null, closeButton: Boolean = true, size: ModalSize? = null, animation: Boolean = true, centered: Boolean = false, scrollable: Boolean = false, escape: Boolean = true, className: String? = null, init: Dialog<R>.() -> Unit? = null) : Modal

Modal window with a result.

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open class Modal(caption: String? = null, closeButton: Boolean = true, size: ModalSize? = null, animation: Boolean = true, centered: Boolean = false, scrollable: Boolean = false, escape: Boolean = true, className: String? = null, init: Modal.() -> Unit? = null) : SimplePanel

Configurable modal window based on Bootstrap modal.

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Modal window sizes.