Package-level declarations

Automatic progress bar module.


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class Pace
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class PaceAjaxOptions(trackMethods: Array<dynamic>? = null, trackWebSockets: Boolean? = null, ignoreURLs: Array<dynamic>? = null)
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class PaceElementsOptions(minSamples: Int? = null, selectors: Array<dynamic>? = null)
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class PaceEventLagOptions(minSamples: Int? = null, sampleCount: Int? = null, lagThreshold: Int? = null)
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class PaceOptions(ajax: PaceAjaxOptions? = null, catchupTime: Int? = null, easeFactor: Double? = null, elements: PaceElementsOptions? = null, eventLag: PaceEventLagOptions? = null, ghostTime: Int? = null, initialRate: Double? = null, maxProgressPerFrame: Int? = null, minTime: Int? = null, restartOnPushState: Boolean? = null, restartOnRequestAfter: Double? = null, startOnPageLoad: Boolean? = null, target: String? = null, manual: Boolean = false)