Package-level declarations

Bootstrap progress bar component.


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data class Bounds<T>(val min: T, val max: T)

Generic progress bounds.

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fun interface ContentGenerator<T>

Generic interface for progress content generator.

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class FormatFractionContentGenerator(numberFormat: Intl.NumberFormat = numberFormat { style = "percent" }) : ContentGenerator<Number>

Uses a Intl.NumberFormat to format the fraction of a value within bounds. E.g. if value = 2, bounds=1,10, then the fraction is 0.2 which is formatted using a given numberFormat.

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class FormatNumberValueContentGenerator(numberFormat: Intl.NumberFormat = Intl.NumberFormat()) : ContentGenerator<Number>

Uses a Intl.NumberFormat to format a value.

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class NumberProgressBarTag(progress: Progress<out Number>, initialValue: Number = 0, contentGenerator: ContentGenerator<Number>, bgColor: BsBgColor? = null, className: String? = null, init: NumberProgressBarTag.() -> Unit? = null) : ProgressBarTag<Number>

An implementation of the @see ProgressBarTag, which works with plain old numbers

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open class Progress<T>(bounds: Bounds<T>, className: String? = null, init: Progress<T>.() -> Unit? = null) : SimplePanel

The Bootstrap progress

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abstract class ProgressBarTag<T>(className: String? = null, bgColor: BsBgColor? = null) : Div

A base class for the progress bar tag. This class only exposes utility methods in order to set the typical attributes used by the bootstrap progress bar in a type-safe manner.


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fun Bounds<out Number>.fraction(value: Double): Double

Calculate fraction for the given value and bounds.

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fun <T> Container.progress(bounds: Bounds<T>, className: String? = null, init: Progress<T>.() -> Unit? = null): Progress<T>
fun Container.progress(min: Number = 0, max: Number = 100, className: String? = null, init: Progress<Number>.() -> Unit? = null): Progress<Number>

DSL builder extension function.

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fun Progress<out Number>.progressNumeric(initialValue: Number = 0, contentGenerator: ContentGenerator<Number> = ContentGenerator { _, _, _ -> }, bgColor: BsBgColor? = null, className: String? = null, init: NumberProgressBarTag.() -> Unit? = null): <Error class: unknown class>