Package-level declarations

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.

A set of components for creating multiplatform automatic JSON-RPC connectivity with a backend server.


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open class CallAgent

An agent responsible for remote calls.

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An exception thrown when the server returns a non-json response for a json-rpc call.

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data class Credentials(val username: String? = null, val password: String? = null)

Username and password credentials.

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class IllegalParameterCountException(val actualParameterCount: Int, val expectedParamterCount: Int) : RuntimeException
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data class JsonRpcRequest(val id: Int, val method: String, val params: List<String?>, val jsonrpc: String = "2.0")
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data class JsonRpcResponse(val id: Int? = null, val result: String? = null, val error: String? = null, val exceptionType: String? = null, val exceptionJson: String? = null, val jsonrpc: String = "2.0")
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open class KVRemoteAgent<T : Any>(val serviceManager: <Error class: unknown class><T>, serializersModules: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null, val requestFilter: suspend <Error class: unknown class>.() -> Unit? = null)

Client side agent for JSON-RPC remote calls.

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abstract class KVServiceBinder<out T, RH, WH, SH>(routeNameGenerator: NameGenerator? = null)

Binds HTTP calls to kotlin functions

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expect open class KVServiceManager<out T : Any>(serviceClass: KClass<T>) : KVServiceMgr<T>

Multiplatform service manager.

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open class KVServiceManagerJs<out T : Any>
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interface KVServiceMgr<out T : Any>

Base interface for fullstack service manager.

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class LoginService(val loginEndpoint: String)

Form login dispatcher.

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typealias NameGenerator = () -> String
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external class Object

JavaScript Object type

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data class RemoteData<T>(val data: List<T> = listOf(), val last_page: Int = 0, val last_row: Int? = null)
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data class RemoteFilter(val field: String, val type: String, val value: String?)
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data class RemoteOption(val value: String? = null, val text: String? = null, val className: String? = null, val subtext: String? = null, val icon: String? = null, val content: String? = null, val disabled: Boolean = false, val divider: Boolean = false)
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expect object RemoteSerialization

JSON utility functions

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data class RemoteSorter(val field: String, val dir: String)
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typealias RequestHandler = suspend <Error class: unknown class><Unit, <Error class: unknown class>>.(Unit) -> Unit
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HTTP response body types.

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class ResultSerializer<T>(tSerializer: <Error class: unknown class><T>)

A custom serializer for the Result class.

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data class RouteMapEntry<T>(val method: <Error class: unknown class>, val path: String, val handler: T)
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interface RouteMapRegistry<T>

Stores a mapping from an HTTP-method+path to a handler

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class SecurityException(message: String)

A security exception.

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abstract class SecurityMgr

Form login dispatcher.

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class ServiceException(message: String)
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data class SimpleRemoteOption(val value: String, val text: String? = null)
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class Socket

A websocket client implementation.

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Websocket closed exception class.

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typealias WebsocketHandler = suspend <Error class: unknown class>.() -> Unit


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const val HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: Int = 401

HTTP status unauthorized (401).

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val <Error class: unknown class>.injector: <Error class: unknown class>
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val injectorKey: <Error class: unknown class>


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fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.applyRoutes(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, serializersModules: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null)

A function to generate routes based on definitions from the service manager.

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Create a default implementation of @see RouteMapRegistry

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inline fun <T> ObjectDeSerializer.deserialize(str: String?): T
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external fun encodeURIComponent(uri: String): String

JavaScript encodeURIComponent function

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This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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inline fun <T : Any> getService(serializersModules: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null, noinline requestFilter: suspend <Error class: unknown class>.() -> Unit? = null): T

This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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fun getServiceManagers(vararg kclass: KClass<*>): List<KVServiceManager<*>>

This will make IntelliJ think that this function exists. The real implementation will be generated by the KVision Gradle Plugin.

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Creates a websocket URL from current window.location and given path.

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suspend fun <T, OBJECTS_OUT> handleSseConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawOut: <Error class: unknown class><String>, serializerOut: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(<Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)

Convenience function for cases were the raw channel works with strings. See the overloaded method for details.

suspend fun <T, RAW_OUT, OBJECTS_OUT> handleSseConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawOut: <Error class: unknown class><RAW_OUT>, rawOutFromText: (String) -> RAW_OUT, serializerOut: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(<Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)

function receives a SendChannel, from which objects are read, serialized and sent to the client in the form of JSON-RPC calls.

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suspend fun <T, OBJECTS_IN, OBJECTS_OUT> handleWebsocketConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawIn: <Error class: unknown class><String>, rawOut: <Error class: unknown class><String>, serializerIn: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_IN>, serializerOut: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(<Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_IN>, <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)

Convenience function for cases were the raw channels work with strings. See the overloaded method for details.

suspend fun <T, RAW_IN, RAW_OUT, OBJECTS_IN, OBJECTS_OUT> handleWebsocketConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawIn: <Error class: unknown class><RAW_IN>, rawInToText: (RAW_IN) -> String?, rawOut: <Error class: unknown class><RAW_OUT>, rawOutFromText: (String) -> RAW_OUT, serializerIn: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_IN>, serializerOut: <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(<Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_IN>, <Error class: unknown class><OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)

Reads JSON-RPC calls from rawIn, deserializes them and forwards them in form of a channel to function. Additionally function also receives a SendChannel, from which objects are read, serialized and sent to the client in the form of JSON-RPC calls.

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.initStaticResources()

Initialize default static resources for Ktor server.

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fun kotlinxObjectDeSerializer(serializersModules: List<<Error class: unknown class>>? = null): ObjectDeSerializer
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fun <Error class: unknown class>.kvisionInit(vararg modules: Module): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.kvisionInit(initStaticResources: Boolean, vararg modules: Module): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.kvisionInit(initStaticResources: Boolean, json: <Error class: unknown class>, vararg modules: Module): <Error class: unknown class>

Initialization function for Ktor server.

fun <Error class: unknown class>.kvisionInit(json: <Error class: unknown class>, vararg modules: Module): <Error class: unknown class>

Initialization function for Ktor server with custom JsonSerializer.

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fun obj(init: dynamic.() -> Unit): dynamic

Helper function for creating JavaScript objects.

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fun requireParameterCountEqualTo(actualParameterCount: Int, expectedParamterCount: Int)
fun requireParameterCountEqualTo(params: Collection<*>, expectedParameterCount: Int)
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