
fun items(count: Int, key: (index: Int) -> Any = ident, block: @Composable IComponent.(index: Int) -> Unit)(source)

Adds count elements to this lazy container.

Each item is displayed by calling block and passing the item index (from 0 inclusive to count exclusive).



A function which generates a locally-unique identifier for an item from its index. For more information, see key.

fun <K : Any> items(items: Iterable<K>, key: (item: K) -> Any = ident, block: @Composable IComponent.(item: K) -> Unit)(source)

Adds all the items of items to this lazy container.

Each item is displayed by calling block and passing the item.



A function which generates a locally-unique identifier for an item. By default, uses the item itself as its own key. For more information, see key.