
open class RestClient(block: RestClientConfig.() -> Unit = {})

A HTTP REST client


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constructor(block: RestClientConfig.() -> Unit = {})


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inline suspend fun <T : Any> String, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<T, JsAny>.() -> Unit = {}): T
inline suspend fun <T : Any, V : Any> String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<T, V>.() -> Unit = {}): T

Makes a http request to the server, returning data directly.

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suspend fun RestClient.callDynamic(url: String, block: RestRequestConfig<JsAny, JsAny>.() -> Unit = {}): JsAny?
inline suspend fun <V : Any> RestClient.callDynamic(url: String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<JsAny, V>.() -> Unit = {}): JsAny?

Makes a http request to the server, returning data directly.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any, V : Any> String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<T, V>.() -> Unit = {}): T

Makes a http POST request to the server, returning data directly.

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inline suspend fun <V : Any> RestClient.postDynamic(url: String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<JsAny, V>.() -> Unit = {}): JsAny?

Makes a http POST request to the server, returning data directly.

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suspend fun <T : Any, V : Any> receive(url: String, block: RestRequestConfig<T, V>.() -> Unit = {}): RestResponse<T>

Makes a http request to the server, returning the response object.

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inline suspend fun <T : Any> RestClient.request(url: String, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<T, JsAny>.() -> Unit = {}): RestResponse<T>
inline suspend fun <T : Any, V : Any> RestClient.request(url: String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<T, V>.() -> Unit = {}): RestResponse<T>

Makes a http request to the server, returning the response object.

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inline suspend fun <V : Any> RestClient.requestDynamic(url: String, data: V, crossinline block: RestRequestConfig<JsAny, V>.() -> Unit = {}): RestResponse<JsAny>

Makes a http request to the server, returning the response object.