
Use the DSL functions to build the expected route handled by a Router. If two routes match the same path, the first declared route is chosen.

With dynamic routing displaying will not stop if two routes of the same kind match the current route:

wrong usage:

    if (true) {
int {
int {
Text("Will be displayed too")

correct usage:

    if (true) {
int {
} else {
int {
Text("Won't be displayed")


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object Companion
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class NoMatch(val remainingPath: String, val parameters: Parameters?)


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fun int(nestedRoute: @Composable RouteBuilder.(Int) -> Unit)

Executes its children when the requested subroute is a Int.

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fun noMatch(content: @Composable RouteBuilder.NoMatch.() -> Unit)

Fallback if no matching route is found.

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fun redirect(vararg route: String, target: String, hide: Boolean = false)
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fun route(vararg route: String, nestedRoute: @Composable RouteBuilder.() -> Unit)

Executes its children when the requested subroute matches one of these constant route.

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fun string(nestedRoute: @Composable RouteBuilder.(String) -> Unit)

Executes its children when the requested subroute is a non-empty String.