data class ColumnDefinition<T : Any>(val title: String, val field: String? = null, val columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null, val visible: Boolean? = null, val align: Align? = null, val width: String? = null, val minWidth: Int? = null, val widthGrow: Int? = null, val widthShrink: Int? = null, val resizable: JsAny? = null, val resizableBool: Boolean? = null, val frozen: Boolean? = null, val responsive: Int? = null, val tooltip: JsAny? = null, val tooltipString: String? = null, val cssClass: String? = null, val rowHandle: Boolean? = null, val hideInHtml: Boolean? = null, val sorter: Sorter? = null, val sorterFunction: (a: JsAny, b: JsAny, aRow: RowComponent, bRow: RowComponent, column: ColumnComponent, dir: String, sorterParams: JsAny?) -> Double? = null, val sorterParams: JsAny? = null, val formatter: Formatter? = null, val formatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, val formatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null, val formatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null, val formatterParams: JsAny? = null, val variableHeight: Boolean? = null, val editable: (cell: CellComponent) -> Boolean? = null, val editor: Editor? = null, val editorFunction: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null, val editorComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null, val editorParams: JsAny? = null, val validator: Validator? = null, val validatorFunction: JsAny? = null, val validatorParams: String? = null, val download: (column: ColumnComponent) -> Boolean? = null, val titleDownload: String? = null, val topCalc: Calc? = null, val topCalcFunc: (values: JsAny, data: JsAny, calcParams: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, val topCalcParams: JsAny? = null, val topCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null, val topCalcFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, val bottomCalc: Calc? = null, val bottomCalcFunc: (values: JsAny, data: JsAny, calcParams: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, val bottomCalcParams: JsAny? = null, val bottomCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null, val bottomCalcFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, val headerSort: Boolean? = null, val headerSortStartingDir: SortingDir? = null, val headerSortTristate: Boolean? = null, val headerClick: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerDblClick: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerContext: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerTap: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerDblTap: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerTapHold: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerTooltip: JsAny? = null, val headerTooltipString: String? = null, val headerVertical: Boolean? = null, val editableTitle: Boolean? = null, val titleFormatter: Formatter? = null, val titleFormatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, val titleFormatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null, val titleFormatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, val titleFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, val headerFilter: Editor? = null, val headerFilterParams: JsAny? = null, val headerFilterCustom: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null, val headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null, val headerFilterEmptyCheck: (value: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, val headerFilterFunc: Filter? = null, val headerFilterFuncCustom: (headerValue: JsAny, rowValue: JsAny, rowData: JsAny, filterParams: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, val headerFilterFuncParams: JsAny? = null, val headerFilterLiveFilter: Boolean? = null, val htmlOutput: JsAny? = null, val htmlOutputBool: Boolean? = null, val print: JsAny? = null, val printBool: Boolean? = null, val formatterPrint: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, val formatterPrintParams: JsAny? = null, val cellClick: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellDblClick: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellContext: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellTap: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellDblTap: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellTapHold: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellMouseEnter: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellMouseLeave: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellMouseOver: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellMouseOut: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellMouseMove: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellEditing: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellEdited: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val cellEditCancelled: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, val headerMenu: JsAny? = null, val headerContextMenu: JsAny? = null, val contextMenu: JsAny? = null, val hozAlign: Align? = null, val vertAlign: VAlign? = null, val clickMenu: JsAny? = null, val headerHozAlign: Align? = null, val accessor: JsAny? = null, val accessorParams: JsAny? = null, val maxWidth: Int? = null, val mutatorData: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, val mutatorDataParams: JsAny? = null, val mutatorEdit: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, val mutatorEditParams: JsAny? = null, val mutatorClipboard: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, val mutatorClipboardParams: JsAny? = null, val mutator: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, val mutatorParams: JsAny? = null, val maxInitialWidth: Int? = null, val cellPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerPopupIcon: JsAny? = null, val headerContextPopup: JsAny? = null, val clickPopup: JsAny? = null, val contextPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerMenuIcon: JsAny? = null, val headerWordWrap: Boolean? = null, val dblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerClickPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerDblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, val headerClickMenu: JsAny? = null, val headerDblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, val dblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, val headerColumnsMenu: Boolean? = null, val headerColumnsMenuTitle: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuIcon: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuResetTitle: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuResetIconPrefix: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuResetIcon: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuListIconPrefix: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuListIconChecked: String? = null, val headerColumnsMenuListIconUnchecked: String? = null, val responsiveCollapseAutoIcon: String? = null, val mutatorImport: JsAny? = null, val mutatorImportParams: JsAny? = null, val accessorDownload: JsAny? = null, val accessorDownloadParams: JsAny? = null)
Column definition options.
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constructor(title: String, field: String? = null, columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null, visible: Boolean? = null, align: Align? = null, width: String? = null, minWidth: Int? = null, widthGrow: Int? = null, widthShrink: Int? = null, resizable: JsAny? = null, resizableBool: Boolean? = null, frozen: Boolean? = null, responsive: Int? = null, tooltip: JsAny? = null, tooltipString: String? = null, cssClass: String? = null, rowHandle: Boolean? = null, hideInHtml: Boolean? = null, sorter: Sorter? = null, sorterFunction: (a: JsAny, b: JsAny, aRow: RowComponent, bRow: RowComponent, column: ColumnComponent, dir: String, sorterParams: JsAny?) -> Double? = null, sorterParams: JsAny? = null, formatter: Formatter? = null, formatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, formatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null, formatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null, formatterParams: JsAny? = null, variableHeight: Boolean? = null, editable: (cell: CellComponent) -> Boolean? = null, editor: Editor? = null, editorFunction: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null, editorComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null, editorParams: JsAny? = null, validator: Validator? = null, validatorFunction: JsAny? = null, validatorParams: String? = null, download: (column: ColumnComponent) -> Boolean? = null, titleDownload: String? = null, topCalc: Calc? = null, topCalcFunc: (values: JsAny, data: JsAny, calcParams: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, topCalcParams: JsAny? = null, topCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null, topCalcFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, bottomCalc: Calc? = null, bottomCalcFunc: (values: JsAny, data: JsAny, calcParams: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, bottomCalcParams: JsAny? = null, bottomCalcFormatter: Formatter? = null, bottomCalcFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, headerSort: Boolean? = null, headerSortStartingDir: SortingDir? = null, headerSortTristate: Boolean? = null, headerClick: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerDblClick: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerContext: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerTap: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerDblTap: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerTapHold: (e: JsAny, column: ColumnComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerTooltip: JsAny? = null, headerTooltipString: String? = null, headerVertical: Boolean? = null, editableTitle: Boolean? = null, titleFormatter: Formatter? = null, titleFormatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, titleFormatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null, titleFormatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, titleFormatterParams: JsAny? = null, headerFilter: Editor? = null, headerFilterParams: JsAny? = null, headerFilterCustom: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null, headerFilterPlaceholder: String? = null, headerFilterEmptyCheck: (value: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, headerFilterFunc: Filter? = null, headerFilterFuncCustom: (headerValue: JsAny, rowValue: JsAny, rowData: JsAny, filterParams: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, headerFilterFuncParams: JsAny? = null, headerFilterLiveFilter: Boolean? = null, htmlOutput: JsAny? = null, htmlOutputBool: Boolean? = null, print: JsAny? = null, printBool: Boolean? = null, formatterPrint: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null, formatterPrintParams: JsAny? = null, cellClick: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellDblClick: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellContext: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellTap: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellDblTap: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellTapHold: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellMouseEnter: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellMouseLeave: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellMouseOver: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellMouseOut: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellMouseMove: (e: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellEditing: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellEdited: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, cellEditCancelled: (cell: CellComponent) -> Unit? = null, headerMenu: JsAny? = null, headerContextMenu: JsAny? = null, contextMenu: JsAny? = null, hozAlign: Align? = null, vertAlign: VAlign? = null, clickMenu: JsAny? = null, headerHozAlign: Align? = null, accessor: JsAny? = null, accessorParams: JsAny? = null, maxWidth: Int? = null, mutatorData: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, mutatorDataParams: JsAny? = null, mutatorEdit: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, mutatorEditParams: JsAny? = null, mutatorClipboard: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, mutatorClipboardParams: JsAny? = null, mutator: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null, mutatorParams: JsAny? = null, maxInitialWidth: Int? = null, cellPopup: JsAny? = null, headerPopup: JsAny? = null, headerPopupIcon: JsAny? = null, headerContextPopup: JsAny? = null, clickPopup: JsAny? = null, contextPopup: JsAny? = null, headerMenuIcon: JsAny? = null, headerWordWrap: Boolean? = null, dblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, headerClickPopup: JsAny? = null, headerDblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, headerClickMenu: JsAny? = null, headerDblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, dblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, headerColumnsMenu: Boolean? = null, headerColumnsMenuTitle: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuIcon: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuResetTitle: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuResetIconPrefix: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuResetIcon: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuListIconPrefix: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuListIconChecked: String? = null, headerColumnsMenuListIconUnchecked: String? = null, responsiveCollapseAutoIcon: String? = null, mutatorImport: JsAny? = null, mutatorImportParams: JsAny? = null, accessorDownload: JsAny? = null, accessorDownloadParams: JsAny? = null)
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val editorComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null
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val editorFunction: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny?) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null
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val formatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, data: T) -> Unit? = null
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val formatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null
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val formatterPrint: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null
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val formatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null
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val headerFilterCustom: (cell: CellComponent, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit, success: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, cancel: (value: JsAny) -> Unit, editorParams: JsAny?) -> JsAny? = null
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val mutatorClipboard: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null
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val mutatorData: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null
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val mutatorEdit: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny, type: String, params: JsAny, cell: CellComponent) -> JsAny? = null
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val sorterFunction: (a: JsAny, b: JsAny, aRow: RowComponent, bRow: RowComponent, column: ColumnComponent, dir: String, sorterParams: JsAny?) -> Double? = null
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val titleFormatterComponentFunction: @Composable IComponent.(cell: CellComponentBase, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null
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val titleFormatterFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> JsAny? = null
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val titleFormatterStringFunction: (cell: CellComponentBase, formatterParams: JsAny?, onRendered: (callback: () -> Unit) -> Unit) -> String? = null
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