Package-level declarations
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Tom Select component.
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open class TomSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, maxOptions: Int? = null, tsOptions: TomSelectOptions? = null, tsCallbacks: TomSelectCallbacks? = null, tsRenders: TomSelectRenders? = null, name: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, required: Boolean? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, renderConfig: RenderConfig = RenderConfig.Default, withStateFlowDelegate: WithStateFlowDelegate<String?> = WithStateFlowDelegateImpl()) : Tag<HTMLSelectElement> , StringFormControl, WithStateFlow<String?> , ITomSelect
Tom Select component.
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data class TomSelectCallbacks(val load: (query: String, callback: (JsArray<JsAny>) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, val shouldLoad: (query: String) -> Boolean? = null, val score: (search: String) -> (JsAny) -> Int? = null, val onInitialize: () -> Unit? = null, val onFocus: () -> Unit? = null, val onBlur: () -> Unit? = null, val onChange: (value: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onItemAdd: (value: JsAny, item: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onItemRemove: (value: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onClear: () -> Unit? = null, val onDelete: (value: JsAny, event: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onOptionAdd: (value: JsAny, data: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onOptionRemove: (value: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onDropdownOpen: (dropdown: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onDropdownClose: (dropdown: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val onType: (str: String) -> Unit? = null, val onLoad: (options: JsAny, optgroup: JsAny) -> Unit? = null)
Tom Select callback functions.
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data class TomSelectOptions(val create: Boolean? = null, val createFun: (input: String, callback: (StringPair) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, val createOnBlur: Boolean? = null, val createFilter: String? = null, val highlight: Boolean? = null, val persist: Boolean? = null, val openOnFocus: Boolean? = null, val maxItems: Int? = null, val hideSelected: Boolean? = null, val closeAfterSelect: Boolean? = null, val loadThrottle: Int? = 300, val loadingClass: String? = null, val hidePlaceholder: Boolean? = null, val preload: Boolean? = null, val preloadOnFocus: Boolean? = null, val addPrecedence: Boolean? = null, val selectOnTab: Boolean? = null, val duplicates: Boolean? = null, val controlInput: HTMLElement? = null, val hideControlInput: Boolean? = null, val caretPosition: Boolean? = null, val checkboxOptions: Boolean? = null, val clearButtonTitle: String? = null, val dropdownHeaderTitle: String? = null, val dropdownInput: Boolean? = null, val inputAutogrow: Boolean? = null, val noActiveItems: Boolean? = null, val noBackspaceDelete: Boolean? = null, val removeButtonTitle: String? = null, val restoreOnBackspace: Boolean? = null, val options: List<JsAny>? = null, val dataAttr: String? = null, val valueField: String? = null, val labelField: String? = null, val disabledField: String? = null, val sortField: String? = null, val searchField: List<String>? = null, val searchConjunction: String? = null)
Tom Select options.
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data class TomSelectRenders(val option: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val item: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val optionCreate: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val noResults: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val notLoading: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val optGroup: (data: JsAny) -> String? = null, val optGroupHeader: (JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val loading: (data: JsAny, escape: (String) -> String) -> String? = null, val dropdown: () -> String? = null)
Tom Select rendering options.
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Convert TomSelectCallbacks to native JS object TomSelectCallbacksJs
Convert TomSelectRenders to native JS object TomSelectRendersJs
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Creates TomSelect component.
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Creates TomSelect component, returning a reference.