
data class TomSelectOptions(val create: Boolean? = null, val createFun: (input: String, callback: (StringPair) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, val createOnBlur: Boolean? = null, val createFilter: String? = null, val highlight: Boolean? = null, val persist: Boolean? = null, val openOnFocus: Boolean? = null, val maxItems: Int? = null, val hideSelected: Boolean? = null, val closeAfterSelect: Boolean? = null, val loadThrottle: Int? = 300, val loadingClass: String? = null, val hidePlaceholder: Boolean? = null, val preload: Boolean? = null, val preloadOnFocus: Boolean? = null, val addPrecedence: Boolean? = null, val selectOnTab: Boolean? = null, val duplicates: Boolean? = null, val controlInput: HTMLElement? = null, val hideControlInput: Boolean? = null, val caretPosition: Boolean? = null, val checkboxOptions: Boolean? = null, val clearButtonTitle: String? = null, val dropdownHeaderTitle: String? = null, val dropdownInput: Boolean? = null, val inputAutogrow: Boolean? = null, val noActiveItems: Boolean? = null, val noBackspaceDelete: Boolean? = null, val removeButtonTitle: String? = null, val restoreOnBackspace: Boolean? = null, val options: List<JsAny>? = null, val dataAttr: String? = null, val valueField: String? = null, val labelField: String? = null, val disabledField: String? = null, val sortField: String? = null, val searchField: List<String>? = null, val searchConjunction: String? = null)

Tom Select options.


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constructor(create: Boolean? = null, createFun: (input: String, callback: (StringPair) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null, createOnBlur: Boolean? = null, createFilter: String? = null, highlight: Boolean? = null, persist: Boolean? = null, openOnFocus: Boolean? = null, maxItems: Int? = null, hideSelected: Boolean? = null, closeAfterSelect: Boolean? = null, loadThrottle: Int? = 300, loadingClass: String? = null, hidePlaceholder: Boolean? = null, preload: Boolean? = null, preloadOnFocus: Boolean? = null, addPrecedence: Boolean? = null, selectOnTab: Boolean? = null, duplicates: Boolean? = null, controlInput: HTMLElement? = null, hideControlInput: Boolean? = null, caretPosition: Boolean? = null, checkboxOptions: Boolean? = null, clearButtonTitle: String? = null, dropdownHeaderTitle: String? = null, dropdownInput: Boolean? = null, inputAutogrow: Boolean? = null, noActiveItems: Boolean? = null, noBackspaceDelete: Boolean? = null, removeButtonTitle: String? = null, restoreOnBackspace: Boolean? = null, options: List<JsAny>? = null, dataAttr: String? = null, valueField: String? = null, labelField: String? = null, disabledField: String? = null, sortField: String? = null, searchField: List<String>? = null, searchConjunction: String? = null)


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val addPrecedence: Boolean? = null
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val caretPosition: Boolean? = null
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val create: Boolean? = null
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val createFilter: String? = null
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val createFun: (input: String, callback: (StringPair) -> Unit) -> Unit? = null
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val createOnBlur: Boolean? = null
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val dataAttr: String? = null
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val disabledField: String? = null
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val dropdownInput: Boolean? = null
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val duplicates: Boolean? = null
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val hideSelected: Boolean? = null
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val highlight: Boolean? = null
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val inputAutogrow: Boolean? = null
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val labelField: String? = null
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val loadingClass: String? = null
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val loadThrottle: Int? = 300
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val maxItems: Int? = null
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val noActiveItems: Boolean? = null
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val openOnFocus: Boolean? = null
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val options: List<JsAny>? = null
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val persist: Boolean? = null
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val preload: Boolean? = null
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val preloadOnFocus: Boolean? = null
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val searchField: List<String>? = null
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val selectOnTab: Boolean? = null
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val sortField: String? = null
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val valueField: String? = null


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