kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.navbar / Navbar / <init>


(js) Navbar(label: String? = null, link: String? = null, type: NavbarType? = null, expand: NavbarExpand? = NavbarExpand.LG, nColor: NavbarColor = NavbarColor.LIGHT, bgColor: BsBgColor = BsBgColor.LIGHT, collapseOnClick: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (Navbar.() -> Unit)? = null)


label - the navbar header label

link - the navbar header link

type - the navbar type

expand - the navbar responsive behavior

nColor - the navbar color

bgColor - the navbar background color

collapseOnClick - the navbar is auto collapsed when the link is clicked

classes - a set of CSS class names

init - an initializer extension function
