kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.onsenui.dialog / showAlert


(js) fun showAlert(message: String, title: String? = null, buttonLabels: List<String>? = null, primaryButtonIndex: Int? = null, cancelable: Boolean = false, animation: Boolean = true, id: String? = null, className: String? = null, modifier: String? = null, maskColor: String? = null, callback: (() -> Unit)? = null): Promise<Int>

Displays alert notification.


message - a notification message

title - a window title

buttonLabels - labels of the buttons

primaryButtonIndex - an index of the default button

cancelable - whether the notification can be cancelled

animation - whether the notification is animated

id - the id of the notification HTML element

className - the CSS class of the notification HTML element

modifier - a modifier attribute to specify custom styles

maskColor - a color of the background mask

callback - a callback function called after the dialog has been closed