kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.onsenui.form / OnsSelect / <init>


(js) OnsSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, selectSize: Int? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (OnsSelect.() -> Unit)? = null)

Creates a form field select component.


options - an optional list of options (label to value pairs) for the group

value - selected option

emptyOption - determines if an empty option is automatically generated

multiple - allows multiple value selection (multiple values are comma delimited)

selectSize - the number of visible options

name - the name attribute of the generated HTML input element

label - label text of the options group

rich - determines if label can contain HTML code

classes - a set of CSS class names

init - an initializer extension function

Creates a form field select component.