data class GridLineOptions
Chart grid line options.
GridLineOptions(display: Boolean = true, color: Color? = null, borderDash: List<Int>? = null, borderDashOffset: Int = 0, lineWidth: Int = 1, drawBorder: Boolean = true, drawOnChartArea: Boolean = true, drawTicks: Boolean = true, tickMarkLength: Int = 10, zeroLineWidth: Int = 1, zeroLineColor: Color? = null, zeroLineBorderDash: List<Int>? = null, zeroLineBorderDashOffset: Int = 0, offsetGridLines: Boolean = false)
Chart grid line options. |
val borderDash: List<Int>? |
val borderDashOffset: Int |
val color: Color? |
val display: Boolean |
val drawBorder: Boolean |
val drawOnChartArea: Boolean |
val drawTicks: Boolean |
val lineWidth: Int |
val offsetGridLines: Boolean |
val tickMarkLength: Int |
val zeroLineBorderDash: List<Int>? |
val zeroLineBorderDashOffset: Int |
val zeroLineColor: Color? |
val zeroLineWidth: Int |
fun <T> Any?.createInstance(vararg args: dynamic): T
Helper function for creating JavaScript objects from dynamic constructors. |
fun GridLineOptions.toJs(): dynamic
An extension function to convert configuration class to JS object. |