kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.core / Background / <init>


Background(image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null, positionY: CssSize? = null, sizeX: CssSize? = null, sizeY: CssSize? = null, size: BgSize? = null, repeat: BgRepeat? = null, origin: BgOrigin? = null, clip: BgClip? = null, attachment: BgAttach? = null)

Creates CSS Background with given parameters.


image - background image

positionX - horizontal position of the background image

positionY - vertical position of the background image

sizeX - horizontal size of the background image

sizeY - vertical size of the background image

size - resize of the background image

repeat - repeat option of the background image

origin - origin option of the background image

clip - clipping option of the background image

attachment - attachment option of the background image

Background(color: Int, image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null, positionY: CssSize? = null, sizeX: CssSize? = null, sizeY: CssSize? = null, size: BgSize? = null, repeat: BgRepeat? = null, origin: BgOrigin? = null, clip: BgClip? = null, attachment: BgAttach? = null)

Creates CSS Background with given parameters.


color - color of the background in hex format

image - background image

positionX - horizontal position of the background image

positionY - vertical position of the background image

sizeX - horizontal size of the background image

sizeY - vertical size of the background image

size - resize of the background image

repeat - repeat option of the background image

origin - origin option of the background image

clip - clipping option of the background image

attachment - attachment option of the background image

Background(color: Col, image: ResString? = null, positionX: CssSize? = null, positionY: CssSize? = null, sizeX: CssSize? = null, sizeY: CssSize? = null, size: BgSize? = null, repeat: BgRepeat? = null, origin: BgOrigin? = null, clip: BgClip? = null, attachment: BgAttach? = null)

Creates CSS Background with given parameters.


color - color of the background with named constant

image - background image

positionX - horizontal position of the background image

positionY - vertical position of the background image

sizeX - horizontal size of the background image

sizeY - vertical size of the background image

size - resize of the background image

repeat - repeat option of the background image

origin - origin option of the background image

clip - clipping option of the background image

attachment - attachment option of the background image