kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.core / TextDecoration / <init>


TextDecoration(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null)

Creates CSS text decoration with given line and style.


line - text decoration line

style - text decoration style

TextDecoration(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null, color: Int)

Creates CSS text decoration with given line, style and color given in hex format.


line - text decoration line

style - text decoration style

color - color in hex format

TextDecoration(line: TextDecorationLine? = null, style: TextDecorationStyle? = null, color: Col)

Creates CSS text decoration with given line, style and color given with named constant.


line - text decoration line

style - text decoration style

color - color named constant