kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.progress / ProgressBar / <init>


ProgressBar(progress: Int, min: Int = DEFAULT_MIN, max: Int = DEFAULT_MAX, style: ProgressBarStyle? = null, striped: Boolean = false, animated: Boolean = false, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String> = setOf(), init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null)


progress - the current progress

min - the minimal progress

max - the maximal progress

style - the style of the progress bar

striped - determines if the progress bar is striped

animated - determines if the progress bar is animated

content - element text

rich - determines if content can contain HTML code

align - content align

classes - a set of CSS class names

init - an initializer extension function
