The form field Bootstrap checkbox component rendered as a switch.
selection state
the name of the input element
render the label as the first child
label text bound to the input element
determines if label can contain HTML code
an initializer extension function
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
Disables popover for the current widget.
Disables tooltip for the current widget.
DSL builder extension function.
Enables popover for the current widget.
Enables tooltip for the current widget.
Hides popover for the current widget.
Hides tooltip for the current widget.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
Sets context menu for the current widget.
Shows popover for the current widget.
Shows tooltip for the current widget.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.