
suspend fun <T, OBJECTS_IN, OBJECTS_OUT> handleWebsocketConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawIn: ReceiveChannel<String>, rawOut: SendChannel<String>, serializerIn: KSerializer<OBJECTS_IN>, serializerOut: KSerializer<OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<OBJECTS_IN>, SendChannel<OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)(source)

Convenience function for cases were the raw channels work with strings. See the overloaded method for details.

suspend fun <T, RAW_IN, RAW_OUT, OBJECTS_IN, OBJECTS_OUT> handleWebsocketConnection(deSerializer: ObjectDeSerializer, rawIn: ReceiveChannel<RAW_IN>, rawInToText: (RAW_IN) -> String?, rawOut: SendChannel<RAW_OUT>, rawOutFromText: (String) -> RAW_OUT, serializerIn: KSerializer<OBJECTS_IN>, serializerOut: KSerializer<OBJECTS_OUT>, service: T, function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<OBJECTS_IN>, SendChannel<OBJECTS_OUT>) -> Unit)(source)

Reads JSON-RPC calls from rawIn, deserializes them and forwards them in form of a channel to function. Additionally function also receives a SendChannel, from which objects are read, serialized and sent to the client in the form of JSON-RPC calls.



used to (de-)serialize objects


a channel that supplies serialized JSON-RPC calls


a function to convert the objects supplied by rawIn to a String. The function may return null to indicate that the message should be ignored


a channel for outgoing messages


a function to convert the JSON-string to an object to be sent via rawOut


the receiver to be used when calling function


the function to delegate data processing to