String to be shown in the attribution control, e.g. "© OpenStreetMap contributors". It describes the layer data and is often a legal obligation towards copyright holders and tile providers.
Maximum zoom number the tile source has available. If it is specified, the tiles on all zoom levels higher than maxNativeZoom will be loaded from maxNativeZoom level and auto-scaled.
Minimum zoom number the tile source has available. If it is specified, the tiles on all zoom levels lower than minNativeZoom will be loaded from minNativeZoom level and auto-scaled.
By default, the layer will be added to the map's overlay pane. Overriding this option will cause the layer to be placed on another pane by default.
Subdomains of the tile service. Can be passed in the form of one string (where each letter is a subdomain name) or an array of strings.
Width and height of tiles in the grid. Use a number if width and height are equal, or Point(width, height)