Onsen UI form field text component.
text input type (default "text")
text input value
the placeholder for the text input
whether the placeholder will be animated in Material Design
the name attribute of the generated HTML input element
maximum length of the text input
label text bound to the input element
determines if label can contain HTML code
CSS class names
an initializer extension function
Creates a form field text component.
Determines if autocomplete is enabled for the input element.
Whether the placeholder will be animated in Material Design.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
Enable gesture detector for a given Widget.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.
DSL builder extension function.