Multiplatform service manager.
actual open class KVServiceManager<out T : Any>(serviceClass: KClass<T>) : KVServiceManagerJs<T> , KVServiceMgr<T> (source)
Multiplatform service manager.
actual open class KVServiceManager<out T : Any>(serviceClass: KClass<T>) : KVServiceBinder<T, RequestHandler, WebsocketHandler, SseHandler> , KVServiceMgr<T> (source)
Multiplatform service manager for Javalin.
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inline fun <PAR : Any> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(SendChannel<PAR>) -> Unit, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1 : Any, PAR2 : Any> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<PAR1>, SendChannel<PAR2>) -> Unit, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR : Any> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(SendChannel<PAR>) -> Unit, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1 : Any, PAR2 : Any> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<PAR1>, SendChannel<PAR2>) -> Unit, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
inline fun <PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4, RET> bind(noinline function: suspend T.(PAR1, PAR2, PAR3, PAR4) -> RET, method: HttpMethod, route: String?)
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inline fun <RET> bindTabulatorRemote(noinline function: suspend T.(Int?, Int?, List<RemoteFilter>?, List<RemoteSorter>?, String?) -> RemoteData<RET>, route: String?)
inline fun <RET> bindTabulatorRemote(noinline function: suspend T.(Int?, Int?, List<RemoteFilter>?, List<RemoteSorter>?, String?) -> RemoteData<RET>, route: String?)
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open override fun <RET> createRequestHandler(method: HttpMethod, function: suspend T.(params: List<String?>) -> RET, numberOfParams: Int, serializerFactory: () -> KSerializer<RET>): RequestHandler
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open override fun <PAR> createSseHandler(function: suspend T.(SendChannel<PAR>) -> Unit, serializerFactory: () -> KSerializer<PAR>): SseHandler
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open override fun <REQ, RES> createWebsocketHandler(function: suspend T.(ReceiveChannel<REQ>, SendChannel<RES>) -> Unit, requestSerializerFactory: () -> KSerializer<REQ>, responseSerializerFactory: () -> KSerializer<RES>): WebsocketHandler
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