Base class for basic text components.
text input value
maximum length of the text input
CSS class names
CSS flexbox/grid content alignment.
CSS flexbox/grid items alignment.
CSS flexbox items self-alignment.
Background of the current component.
Bottom border of the current component.
Left border of the current component.
CSS border radius.
List of CSS border radius values.
Right border of the current component.
List of box shadows of the current component.
CSS flexbox direction.
CSS flexbox item shrink.
CSS font family of the current component.
CSS font variant of the current component.
CSS font weight of the current component.
CSS grid auto columns.
CSS grid auto flow.
CSS grid auto rows.
CSS grid column end.
CSS grid column gap.
CSS grid column start.
CSS grid row end.
CSS grid row gap.
CSS grid row start.
CSS grid areas template.
CSS grid columns template.
CSS grid rows template.
CSS flexbox/grid content justification.
CSS grid items justification.
CSS grid items self-justification.
CSS Text letter spacing of the current component.
CSS Text line height of the current component.
Bottom margin of the current component.
Left margin of the current component.
Right margin of the current component.
The input mask options.
CSS overflow-wrap of the current component.
Bottom padding of the current component.
Left padding of the current component.
Right padding of the current component.
Top padding of the current component.
The placeholder for the text input.
The value attribute of the generated HTML input element.
CSS Text decoration of the current component.
CSS Text direction of the current component.
CSS Text indent of the current component.
CSS Text overflow of the current component.
CSS Text shadow of the current component.
CSS Text transform of the current component.
CSS transition effect for the current component.
List of CSS transition effects for the current component.
CSS Text unicode-bidi of the current component.
The validation status of the input.
CSS Text vertical align of the current component.
CSS Text white space of the current component.
CSS Text word spacing of the current component.
The supplied function is called after the widget DOM element is created.
The supplied function is called after the widget is removed from the DOM.
The supplied function is called after the widget is inserted into the DOM.
The supplied function is called before the widget is disposed.
Adds given value to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component.
Adds given style object to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component.
Adds given value to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component.
Adds given style object to the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component.
Remove all after create hooks functions.
Remove all after destroy hooks functions.
Remove all after insert hooks functions.
Remove all before dispose hooks functions.
Clears D&D data for the current widget. It also makes it not draggable.
Dispatches a custom event.
Returns the value of an additional attribute.
Returns DOM element bound to the current component.
Returns DOM element bound to the current component as a dynamic type.
Returns CSS style attributes.
Checks whether the given value is present in the set of CSS classes.
DSL builder extension function.
Install the input mask controller.
Remove the after create hook function (the same function reference must be used).
Remove the after destroy hook function (the same function reference must be used).
Remove the after insert hook function (the same function reference must be used).
Removes the value of additional attribute.
Remove the before dispose hook function (the same function reference must be used).
Removes given value from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component.
Removes given style object from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of current component.
Removes event listener from current widget.
Removes all event listeners from current widget.
Removes the value of a custom CSS style.
Removes given value from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component.
Removes given style object from the set of CSS classes generated in html code of parent component.
Sets the value of additional attribute.
Sets D&D data for the current widget. It also makes it draggable.
Sets the current widget as a D&D drop target.
Sets the current widget as a D&D drop target with helper callback accepting String data.
Executes given function within a single rendering process.
Executes given function within a single rendering process asynchronously.
Toggles visibility of current widget.
Uninstall the input mask controller.
Makes the component use distinct snabbdom key.