
Link copied to clipboard


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open var onmessage: (MessageEvent) -> Unit?


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fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: Boolean)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: AddEventListenerOptions)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: Boolean)
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fun close()
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Link copied to clipboard
fun postMessage(message: JsAny?, transfer: JsArray<JsAny>)
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fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: Boolean)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: EventListenerOptions)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: Boolean)
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fun start()