Package-level declarations


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interface AbstractWorker : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript AbstractWorker to Kotlin

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abstract class Attr : Node, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Attr to Kotlin

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open class Audio(src: String) : HTMLAudioElement, JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript AudioTrack to Kotlin

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abstract class AudioTrackList : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript AudioTrackList to Kotlin

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abstract class BarProp : JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript BeforeUnloadEvent to Kotlin

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interface BinaryType : JsAny
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interface BoxQuadOptions : JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript BroadcastChannel to Kotlin

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interface CanvasDrawPath : JsAny
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interface CanvasFillRule : JsAny
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interface CanvasFilters : JsAny
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abstract class CanvasGradient : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CanvasGradient to Kotlin

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interface CanvasLineCap : JsAny
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interface CanvasLineJoin : JsAny
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interface CanvasPath : JsAny
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abstract class CanvasPattern : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CanvasPattern to Kotlin

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interface CanvasRect : JsAny
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interface CanvasState : JsAny
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interface CanvasText : JsAny
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abstract class CaretPosition : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CaretPosition to Kotlin

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open class CDATASection : Text, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CDATASection to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript CharacterData to Kotlin

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interface ChildNode : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ChildNode to Kotlin

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open class CloseEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: CloseEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CloseEvent to Kotlin

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open class Comment(data: String) : CharacterData, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Comment to Kotlin

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interface CSSBoxType : JsAny
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abstract class CustomElementRegistry : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CustomElementRegistry to Kotlin

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open class CustomEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: CustomEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript CustomEvent to Kotlin

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abstract class DataTransfer : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DataTransfer to Kotlin

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abstract class DataTransferItem : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DataTransferItem to Kotlin

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abstract class DataTransferItemList : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DataTransferItemList to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DocumentFragment to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DocumentOrShadowRoot to Kotlin

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abstract class DocumentType : Node, ChildNode, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DocumentType to Kotlin

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abstract class DOMImplementation : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMImplementation to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DOMMatrix to Kotlin

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open class DOMMatrixReadOnly(numberSequence: JsArray<JsNumber>) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMMatrixReadOnly to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DOMPoint to Kotlin

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interface DOMPointInit : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMPointInit to Kotlin

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open class DOMPointReadOnly(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, w: Double) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMPointReadOnly to Kotlin

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open class DOMQuad : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMQuad to Kotlin

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open class DOMRect(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double) : DOMRectReadOnly, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMRect to Kotlin

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interface DOMRectInit : JsAny
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open class DOMRectReadOnly(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMRectReadOnly to Kotlin

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abstract class DOMStringMap : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DOMStringMap to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript DOMTokenList to Kotlin

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open class DragEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: DragEventInit) : MouseEvent, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DragEvent to Kotlin

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open class ErrorEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: ErrorEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ErrorEvent to Kotlin

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interface EventInit : JsAny
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open class EventSource(url: String, eventSourceInitDict: EventSourceInit) : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript EventSource to Kotlin

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interface External : JsAny
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interface GeometryUtils : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript GeometryUtils to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript GlobalEventHandlers to Kotlin

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open class HashChangeEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: HashChangeEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HashChangeEvent to Kotlin

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abstract class History : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript History to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLAllCollection : JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAnchorElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAreaElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAudioElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBaseElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBodyElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLBRElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBRElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLButtonElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLCanvasElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLCollection to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDataElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDataListElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDetailsElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDialogElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLDivElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDivElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDListElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLEmbedElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFieldSetElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFontElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFormControlsCollection to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFormElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFrameSetElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHeadElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHeadingElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLHRElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHRElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHtmlElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLIFrameElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLImageElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLInputElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLKeygenElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLabelElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLegendElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLLIElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLIElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLinkElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLMapElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMapElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMarqueeElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMediaElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMetaElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMeterElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLModElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLModElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLObjectElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOListElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOptionsCollection to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOutputElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLParagraphElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLParamElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLPictureElement to Kotlin

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abstract class HTMLPreElement : HTMLElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript HTMLPreElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLProgressElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLQuoteElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLScriptElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSelectElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSlotElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSourceElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSpanElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLStyleElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableCaptionElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableCellElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableColElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableRowElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableSectionElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTemplateElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTextAreaElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTimeElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTitleElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTrackElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLUListElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLUnknownElement to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript HTMLVideoElement to Kotlin

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open class Image(width: Int, height: Int) : HTMLImageElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Image to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript ImageBitmap to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript ImageBitmapRenderingContext to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript ImageData to Kotlin

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interface ItemArrayLike<out T : JsAny?> : JsAny
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abstract class Location : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Location to Kotlin

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abstract class MediaError : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MediaError to Kotlin

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interface MediaProvider
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abstract class MediaQueryList : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MediaQueryList to Kotlin

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open class MediaQueryListEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: MediaQueryListEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MediaQueryListEvent to Kotlin

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open class MessageChannel : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MessageChannel to Kotlin

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open class MessageEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: MessageEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MessageEvent to Kotlin

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abstract class MimeType : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MimeType to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript MimeTypeArray to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript MutationObserver to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript MutationObserverInit to Kotlin

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abstract class MutationRecord : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript MutationRecord to Kotlin

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abstract class NamedNodeMap : ItemArrayLike<Attr> , JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NamedNodeMap to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorConcurrentHardware to Kotlin

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interface NavigatorID : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorID to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorLanguage to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorOnLine to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorPlugins to Kotlin

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abstract class Node : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Node to Kotlin

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interface NodeFilter : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NodeFilter to Kotlin

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abstract class NodeIterator : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NodeIterator to Kotlin

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abstract class NodeList : ItemArrayLike<Node> , JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NodeList to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript NonDocumentTypeChildNode to Kotlin

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open class Option(text: String, value: String, defaultSelected: Boolean, selected: Boolean) : HTMLOptionElement, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Option to Kotlin

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open class PageTransitionEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: PageTransitionEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript PageTransitionEvent to Kotlin

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interface ParentNode : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ParentNode to Kotlin

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open class Path2D : CanvasPath, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Path2D to Kotlin

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abstract class Plugin : ItemArrayLike<MimeType> , JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Plugin to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript PluginArray to Kotlin

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open class PopStateEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: PopStateEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript PopStateEvent to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript PromiseRejectionEvent to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript RadioNodeList to Kotlin

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open class Range : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Range to Kotlin

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open class RelatedEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: RelatedEventInit) : Event, JsAny
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interface ResizeQuality : JsAny
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abstract class Screen : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Screen to Kotlin

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interface ScrollBehavior : JsAny
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interface ScrollOptions : JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript ScrollToOptions to Kotlin

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interface SelectionMode : JsAny
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Exposes the JavaScript ShadowRoot to Kotlin

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interface ShadowRootInit : JsAny
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interface ShadowRootMode : JsAny
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open class SharedWorker(scriptURL: String, name: String, options: WorkerOptions) : EventTarget, AbstractWorker, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript SharedWorker to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript SharedWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin

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interface Slotable : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Slotable to Kotlin

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abstract class Storage : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Storage to Kotlin

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open class StorageEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: StorageEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript StorageEvent to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript Text to Kotlin

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abstract class TextMetrics : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript TextMetrics to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript TextTrack to Kotlin

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abstract class TextTrackCue : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript TextTrackCue to Kotlin

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abstract class TextTrackCueList : JsAny
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interface TextTrackKind : JsAny
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abstract class TextTrackList : EventTarget, JsAny
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interface TextTrackMode : JsAny
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abstract class TimeRanges : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript TimeRanges to Kotlin

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abstract class Touch : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Touch to Kotlin

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open class TouchEvent : UIEvent, JsAny
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abstract class TouchList : ItemArrayLike<Touch> , JsAny
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open class TrackEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: TrackEventInit) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript TrackEvent to Kotlin

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abstract class TreeWalker : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript TreeWalker to Kotlin

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abstract class ValidityState : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ValidityState to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript VideoTrack to Kotlin

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abstract class VideoTrackList : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript VideoTrackList to Kotlin

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open class WebSocket(url: String, protocols: JsAny?) : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebSocket to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript WindowEventHandlers to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript WindowLocalStorage to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin

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Exposes the JavaScript WindowSessionStorage to Kotlin

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open class Worker(scriptURL: String, options: WorkerOptions) : EventTarget, AbstractWorker, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Worker to Kotlin

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abstract class WorkerLocation : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WorkerLocation to Kotlin

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interface WorkerOptions : JsAny
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interface WorkerType : JsAny
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open class XMLDocument : Document, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript XMLDocument to Kotlin


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operator fun NodeList.get(index: Int): Node?