data class TabulatorOptions<T : Any>(val height: String? = null, val placeholder: String? = null, val placeholderFunc: () -> String?? = null, val placeholderHeaderFilter: String? = null, val footerElement: String? = null, val history: Boolean? = null, val keybindings: JsAny? = null, val downloadDataFormatter: JsAny? = null, val downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? = null, val reactiveData: Boolean? = null, val autoResize: Boolean? = null, val columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null, val autoColumns: Boolean? = null, val autoColumnsFull: Boolean? = null, val layout: Layout? = null, val layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? = null, val responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? = null, val responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? = null, val responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? = null, val movableColumns: Boolean? = null, val scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? = null, val scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? = null, val rowFormatter: (row: RowComponent) -> Unit? = null, val addRowPos: RowPos? = null, val selectableRows: JsAny? = null, val selectableRowsBool: Boolean? = null, val selectableRowsRangeMode: RangeMode? = null, val selectableRowsRollingSelection: Boolean? = null, val selectableRowsPersistence: Boolean? = null, val selectableRowsCheck: (row: RowComponent) -> Boolean? = null, val movableRows: Boolean? = null, val movableRowsConnectedTables: JsAny? = null, val movableRowsSender: JsAny? = null, val movableRowsReceiver: JsAny? = null, val resizableRows: Boolean? = null, val scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? = null, val scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? = null, val index: String? = null, val data: JsArray<JsAny>? = null, val ajaxURL: String? = null, val ajaxParams: JsAny? = null, val ajaxConfig: JsAny? = null, val ajaxContentType: JsAny? = null, val ajaxURLGenerator: (url: String, config: JsAny, params: JsAny) -> String? = null, val ajaxRequestFunc: (url: String, config: JsAny, params: JsAny) -> Promise<JsAny>? = null, val progressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? = null, val progressiveLoadDelay: Int? = null, val progressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? = null, val dataLoader: Boolean? = null, val dataLoaderLoading: String? = null, val dataLoaderError: String? = null, val initialSort: List<JsAny>? = null, val sortOrderReverse: Boolean? = null, val initialFilter: List<JsAny>? = null, val initialHeaderFilter: List<JsAny>? = null, val pagination: Boolean? = null, val paginationMode: PaginationMode? = null, val paginationSize: Int? = null, val paginationSizeSelector: JsAny? = null, val paginationElement: JsAny? = null, val dataReceiveParams: JsAny? = null, val dataSendParams: JsAny? = null, val paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? = null, val paginationButtonCount: Int? = null, val persistenceID: String? = null, val persistenceMode: Boolean? = null, val persistentLayout: Boolean? = null, val persistentSort: Boolean? = null, val persistentFilter: Boolean? = null, val locale: String? = null, val langs: JsAny? = null, val localized: (locale: String, lang: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val headerVisible: Boolean? = null, val htmlOutputConfig: JsAny? = null, val printAsHtml: Boolean? = null, val printConfig: JsAny? = null, val printCopyStyle: Boolean? = null, val printVisibleRows: Boolean? = null, val printHeader: String? = null, val printFooter: String? = null, val printFormatter: (tableHolder: JsAny, table: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, val tabEndNewRow: JsAny? = null, val invalidOptionWarnings: Boolean? = null, val dataTree: Boolean? = null, val dataTreeChildField: String? = null, val dataTreeCollapseElement: JsAny? = null, val dataTreeExpandElement: JsAny? = null, val dataTreeElementColumn: String? = null, val dataTreeBranchElement: JsAny? = null, val dataTreeChildIndent: Number? = null, val dataTreeStartExpanded: (row: RowComponent, level: JsNumber) -> Boolean? = null, val ajaxRequesting: (url: String, params: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, val ajaxResponse: (url: String, params: JsAny, response: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, val persistence: JsAny? = null, val persistenceBool: Boolean? = null, val persistenceReaderFunc: JsAny? = null, val persistenceWriterFunc: JsAny? = null, val paginationInitialPage: Int? = null, val columnHeaderVertAlign: VAlign? = null, val maxHeight: String? = null, val minHeight: String? = null, val rowContextMenu: JsAny? = null, val dataTreeChildColumnCalcs: Boolean? = null, val dataTreeSelectPropagate: Boolean? = null, val headerFilterLiveFilterDelay: Int? = null, val textDirection: TextDirection? = null, val autoColumnsDefinitions: JsAny? = null, val rowClickMenu: JsAny? = null, val headerSortElement: JsAny? = null, val dataTreeFilter: Boolean? = null, val dataTreeSort: Boolean? = null, val renderVertical: RenderType? = null, val renderVerticalBuffer: Int? = null, val renderHorizontal: RenderType? = null, val columnDefaults: ColumnDefinition<T>? = null, val sortMode: SortMode? = null, val filterMode: FilterMode? = null, val importFormat: ImportFormat? = null, val importReader: ImportReader? = null, val dataLoaderErrorTimeout: Int? = null, val popupContainer: JsAny? = null, val paginationCounter: JsAny? = null, val paginationCounterElement: JsAny? = null, val rowClickPopup: JsAny? = null, val rowContextPopup: JsAny? = null, val resizableColumnFit: Boolean? = null, val rowHeight: Int? = null, val frozenRows: JsAny? = null, val frozenRowsField: String? = null, val headerSortClickElement: HeaderSortClickElement? = null, val rowDblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, val rowDblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, val responsiveLayoutCollapseFormatter: (data: JsArray<JsAny>) -> Element? = null, val selectableRange: JsAny? = null, val selectableRangeColumns: Boolean? = null, val selectableRangeRows: Boolean? = null, val selectableRangeClearCells: Boolean? = null, val selectableRangeClearCellsValue: String? = null, val editTriggerEvent: EditTriggerEvent? = null, val rowHeader: JsAny? = null, val spreadsheet: Boolean? = null, val spreadsheetColumns: Int? = null, val spreadsheetRows: Int? = null, val spreadsheetData: JsAny? = null, val spreadsheetColumnDefinition: JsAny? = null, val spreadsheetOutputFull: Boolean? = null, val spreadsheetSheets: JsAny? = null, val spreadsheetSheetTabs: Boolean? = null, val resizableColumnGuide: Boolean? = null, val resizableRowGuide: Boolean? = null, val editorEmptyValue: JsAny? = null, val editorEmptyValueFunc: (JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, val paginationIconFirst: String? = null, val paginationIconPrev: String? = null, val paginationIconNext: String? = null, val paginationIconLast: String? = null, val paginationIconPageSize: String? = null, val importHeaderTransform: (header: JsAny, headers: JsArray<JsAny>) -> JsAny? = null, val importValueTransform: (value: JsAny, values: JsArray<JsAny>) -> JsAny? = null, val importFileValidator: (file: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, val importDataValidator: (data: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, val paginationOutOfRange: JsAny? = null, val selectableRangeAutoFocus: Boolean? = null, val groupBy: JsAny? = null, val groupHeader: JsAny? = null, val groupHeaderPrint: JsAny? = null, val groupHeaderClipboard: JsAny? = null, val groupHeaderDownload: JsAny? = null, val groupHeaderHtmlOutput: JsAny? = null, val groupStartOpen: JsAny? = null, val groupToggleElement: JsAny? = null, val groupValues: JsAny? = null, val groupUpdateOnCellEdit: Boolean? = null, val groupClosedShowCalcs: Boolean? = null, val columnCalcs: JsAny? = null, val downloadEncoder: JsAny? = null)
Tabulator options.
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constructor(height: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, placeholderFunc: () -> String?? = null, placeholderHeaderFilter: String? = null, footerElement: String? = null, history: Boolean? = null, keybindings: JsAny? = null, downloadDataFormatter: JsAny? = null, downloadConfig: DownloadConfig? = null, reactiveData: Boolean? = null, autoResize: Boolean? = null, columns: List<ColumnDefinition<T>>? = null, autoColumns: Boolean? = null, autoColumnsFull: Boolean? = null, layout: Layout? = null, layoutColumnsOnNewData: Boolean? = null, responsiveLayout: ResponsiveLayout? = null, responsiveLayoutCollapseStartOpen: Boolean? = null, responsiveLayoutCollapseUseFormatters: Boolean? = null, movableColumns: Boolean? = null, scrollToColumnPosition: ColumnPosition? = null, scrollToColumnIfVisible: Boolean? = null, rowFormatter: (row: RowComponent) -> Unit? = null, addRowPos: RowPos? = null, selectableRows: JsAny? = null, selectableRowsBool: Boolean? = null, selectableRowsRangeMode: RangeMode? = null, selectableRowsRollingSelection: Boolean? = null, selectableRowsPersistence: Boolean? = null, selectableRowsCheck: (row: RowComponent) -> Boolean? = null, movableRows: Boolean? = null, movableRowsConnectedTables: JsAny? = null, movableRowsSender: JsAny? = null, movableRowsReceiver: JsAny? = null, resizableRows: Boolean? = null, scrollToRowPosition: RowPosition? = null, scrollToRowIfVisible: Boolean? = null, index: String? = null, data: JsArray<JsAny>? = null, ajaxURL: String? = null, ajaxParams: JsAny? = null, ajaxConfig: JsAny? = null, ajaxContentType: JsAny? = null, ajaxURLGenerator: (url: String, config: JsAny, params: JsAny) -> String? = null, ajaxRequestFunc: (url: String, config: JsAny, params: JsAny) -> Promise<JsAny>? = null, progressiveLoad: ProgressiveMode? = null, progressiveLoadDelay: Int? = null, progressiveLoadScrollMargin: Int? = null, dataLoader: Boolean? = null, dataLoaderLoading: String? = null, dataLoaderError: String? = null, initialSort: List<JsAny>? = null, sortOrderReverse: Boolean? = null, initialFilter: List<JsAny>? = null, initialHeaderFilter: List<JsAny>? = null, pagination: Boolean? = null, paginationMode: PaginationMode? = null, paginationSize: Int? = null, paginationSizeSelector: JsAny? = null, paginationElement: JsAny? = null, dataReceiveParams: JsAny? = null, dataSendParams: JsAny? = null, paginationAddRow: AddRowMode? = null, paginationButtonCount: Int? = null, persistenceID: String? = null, persistenceMode: Boolean? = null, persistentLayout: Boolean? = null, persistentSort: Boolean? = null, persistentFilter: Boolean? = null, locale: String? = null, langs: JsAny? = null, localized: (locale: String, lang: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, headerVisible: Boolean? = null, htmlOutputConfig: JsAny? = null, printAsHtml: Boolean? = null, printConfig: JsAny? = null, printCopyStyle: Boolean? = null, printVisibleRows: Boolean? = null, printHeader: String? = null, printFooter: String? = null, printFormatter: (tableHolder: JsAny, table: JsAny) -> Unit? = null, tabEndNewRow: JsAny? = null, invalidOptionWarnings: Boolean? = null, dataTree: Boolean? = null, dataTreeChildField: String? = null, dataTreeCollapseElement: JsAny? = null, dataTreeExpandElement: JsAny? = null, dataTreeElementColumn: String? = null, dataTreeBranchElement: JsAny? = null, dataTreeChildIndent: Number? = null, dataTreeStartExpanded: (row: RowComponent, level: JsNumber) -> Boolean? = null, ajaxRequesting: (url: String, params: JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, ajaxResponse: (url: String, params: JsAny, response: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, persistence: JsAny? = null, persistenceBool: Boolean? = null, persistenceReaderFunc: JsAny? = null, persistenceWriterFunc: JsAny? = null, paginationInitialPage: Int? = null, columnHeaderVertAlign: VAlign? = null, maxHeight: String? = null, minHeight: String? = null, rowContextMenu: JsAny? = null, dataTreeChildColumnCalcs: Boolean? = null, dataTreeSelectPropagate: Boolean? = null, headerFilterLiveFilterDelay: Int? = null, textDirection: TextDirection? = null, autoColumnsDefinitions: JsAny? = null, rowClickMenu: JsAny? = null, headerSortElement: JsAny? = null, dataTreeFilter: Boolean? = null, dataTreeSort: Boolean? = null, renderVertical: RenderType? = null, renderVerticalBuffer: Int? = null, renderHorizontal: RenderType? = null, columnDefaults: ColumnDefinition<T>? = null, sortMode: SortMode? = null, filterMode: FilterMode? = null, importFormat: ImportFormat? = null, importReader: ImportReader? = null, dataLoaderErrorTimeout: Int? = null, popupContainer: JsAny? = null, paginationCounter: JsAny? = null, paginationCounterElement: JsAny? = null, rowClickPopup: JsAny? = null, rowContextPopup: JsAny? = null, resizableColumnFit: Boolean? = null, rowHeight: Int? = null, frozenRows: JsAny? = null, frozenRowsField: String? = null, headerSortClickElement: HeaderSortClickElement? = null, rowDblClickPopup: JsAny? = null, rowDblClickMenu: JsAny? = null, responsiveLayoutCollapseFormatter: (data: JsArray<JsAny>) -> Element? = null, selectableRange: JsAny? = null, selectableRangeColumns: Boolean? = null, selectableRangeRows: Boolean? = null, selectableRangeClearCells: Boolean? = null, selectableRangeClearCellsValue: String? = null, editTriggerEvent: EditTriggerEvent? = null, rowHeader: JsAny? = null, spreadsheet: Boolean? = null, spreadsheetColumns: Int? = null, spreadsheetRows: Int? = null, spreadsheetData: JsAny? = null, spreadsheetColumnDefinition: JsAny? = null, spreadsheetOutputFull: Boolean? = null, spreadsheetSheets: JsAny? = null, spreadsheetSheetTabs: Boolean? = null, resizableColumnGuide: Boolean? = null, resizableRowGuide: Boolean? = null, editorEmptyValue: JsAny? = null, editorEmptyValueFunc: (JsAny) -> Boolean? = null, paginationIconFirst: String? = null, paginationIconPrev: String? = null, paginationIconNext: String? = null, paginationIconLast: String? = null, paginationIconPageSize: String? = null, importHeaderTransform: (header: JsAny, headers: JsArray<JsAny>) -> JsAny? = null, importValueTransform: (value: JsAny, values: JsArray<JsAny>) -> JsAny? = null, importFileValidator: (file: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, importDataValidator: (data: JsAny) -> JsAny? = null, paginationOutOfRange: JsAny? = null, selectableRangeAutoFocus: Boolean? = null, groupBy: JsAny? = null, groupHeader: JsAny? = null, groupHeaderPrint: JsAny? = null, groupHeaderClipboard: JsAny? = null, groupHeaderDownload: JsAny? = null, groupHeaderHtmlOutput: JsAny? = null, groupStartOpen: JsAny? = null, groupToggleElement: JsAny? = null, groupValues: JsAny? = null, groupUpdateOnCellEdit: Boolean? = null, groupClosedShowCalcs: Boolean? = null, columnCalcs: JsAny? = null, downloadEncoder: JsAny? = null)
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