class Root : SimplePanel
Root container.
This container is bound to the specific element in the main HTML file of the project. It is always the root of components tree and it is responsible for rendering and updating Snabbdom virtual DOM.
<init> |
Root(id: String, containerType: ContainerType = ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = containerType != ContainerType.FIXED, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) Root(element: HTMLElement, containerType: ContainerType = ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = containerType != ContainerType.FIXED, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) Root(id: String, fixed: Boolean = false, containerType: ContainerType = if (fixed) ContainerType.FIXED else ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = !fixed, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) Root(element: HTMLElement, fixed: Boolean = false, containerType: ContainerType = if (fixed) ContainerType.FIXED else ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = !fixed, init: (Root.() -> Unit)? = null) |
isFirstRoot |
val isFirstRoot: Boolean |
addContextMenu |
fun addContextMenu(contextMenu: Widget): Unit |
getRoot |
fun getRoot(): Root? |
getSnClass |
Returns list of CSS class names for current widget in the form of a List. fun getSnClass(): List<StringBoolPair> |
render |
Renders current component as a Snabbdom vnode. fun render(): VNode |
changeFlow |
Extension property returning Flow for a change event. val <T : Widget> T.changeFlow: Flow<T> |
clickFlow |
Extension property returning Flow for a click event. val <T : Widget> T.clickFlow: Flow<T> |
inputFlow |
Extension property returning Flow for an input event. val <T : Widget> T.inputFlow: Flow<T> |
actionSheet |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.actionSheet(actionSheetTitle: String? = null, cancelable: Boolean? = null, animation: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ActionSheet.() -> Unit)? = null): ActionSheet |
addBsBgColor |
fun Component.addBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
addBsBorder |
fun Component.addBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
addBsClearfix |
fun Component.addBsClearfix(): Unit |
addBsColor |
fun Component.addBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
addBsRounded |
fun Component.addBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
alertDialog |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.alertDialog(dialogTitle: String? = null, cancelable: Boolean? = null, animation: Boolean? = null, : Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (AlertDialog.() -> Unit)? = null): AlertDialog |
bind |
An extension function which binds the widget to the observable state. fun <S, W : Widget> W.bind(observableState: ObservableState<S>, removeChildren: Boolean = true, factory: W.(S) -> Unit): W |
bold |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.bold(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Bold.() -> Unit)? = null): Bold |
button |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.button(text: String, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, type: ButtonType = ButtonType.BUTTON, disabled: Boolean = false, separator: String? = null, labelFirst: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Button.() -> Unit)? = null): Button |
buttonGroup |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.buttonGroup(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ButtonGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): ButtonGroup |
canvas |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.canvas(canvasWidth: Int? = null, canvasHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Canvas.() -> Unit)? = null): Canvas |
card |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.card(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Card.() -> Unit)? = null): Card |
carousel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.carousel(direction: CarouselDirection? = null, fullscreen: Boolean? = null, overscrollable: Boolean? = null, autoScroll: Boolean? = null, animation: Boolean? = null, swipeable: Boolean? = null, initialIndex: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Carousel.() -> Unit)? = null): Carousel |
chart |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.chart(configuration: Configuration, chartWidth: Int? = null, chartHeight: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Chart.() -> Unit)? = null): Chart |
checkBox |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.checkBox(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (CheckBox.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBox |
checkBoxInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.checkBoxInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): CheckBoxInput |
contextMenu |
DSL builder extension function. fun Widget.contextMenu(fixedPosition: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ContextMenu.() -> Unit)? = null): ContextMenu |
customTag |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.customTag(elementName: String, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, attributes: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), init: (CustomTag.() -> Unit)? = null): CustomTag |
dataContainer |
DSL builder extension function. fun <M, C : Component, CONT : Container> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: Container.(M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, container: CONT, containerAdd: (CONT.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, CONT>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, CONT>
DSL builder extension function with VPanel default. fun <M, C : Component> Container.dataContainer(model: MutableList<M>, factory: Container.(M, Int, MutableList<M>) -> C, containerAdd: (VPanel.(C, M) -> Unit)? = null, filter: ((M) -> Boolean)? = null, sorter: ((M) -> Comparable<*>?)? = null, sorterType: () -> SorterType = { SorterType.ASC }, init: (DataContainer<M, C, VPanel>.() -> Unit)? = null): DataContainer<M, C, VPanel> |
dateTime |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.dateTime(value: Date? = null, name: String? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (DateTime.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTime |
dateTimeInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.dateTimeInput(value: Date? = null, format: String = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm", classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (DateTimeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): DateTimeInput |
dialog |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.dialog(cancelable: Boolean? = null, animation: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Dialog.() -> Unit)? = null): Dialog |
div |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.div(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Div.() -> Unit)? = null): Div |
dockPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.dockPanel(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (DockPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): DockPanel |
dropDown |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.dropDown(text: String, elements: List<StringPair>? = null, icon: String? = null, style: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle.PRIMARY, direction: Direction = Direction.DROPDOWN, disabled: Boolean = false, : Boolean = false, forDropDown: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (DropDown.() -> Unit)? = null): DropDown |
enableGestureDetector |
Enable gesture detector for a given Widget. fun Widget.enableGestureDetector(): Unit |
eventFlow |
Extension property returning Flow<Pair<Widget, Event>> for a given event fun <T : Widget> T.eventFlow(event: String): Flow<Pair<T, Event>> |
fab |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.fab(icon: String? = null, floatPosition: FloatPosition? = null, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Fab.() -> Unit)? = null): Fab |
fieldLabel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.fieldLabel(forId: String, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (FieldLabel.() -> Unit)? = null): FieldLabel |
fieldset |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.fieldset(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Fieldset.() -> Unit)? = null): Fieldset |
fieldsetPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.fieldsetPanel(legend: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (FieldsetPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): FieldsetPanel |
flexPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.flexPanel(direction: FlexDir? = null, wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, alignContent: FlexAlignContent? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (FlexPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): FlexPanel |
footer |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.footer(: String? = null, : Boolean = false, : Align? = null, : Set<String>? = null, : String? = null, : (Footer.() -> Unit)? = null): Footer |
form |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.form(method: FormMethod? = null, action: String? = null, enctype: FormEnctype? = null, type: FormType? = null, condensed: Boolean = false, horizRatio: FormHorizontalRatio = FormHorizontalRatio.RATIO_2, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (FormPanel<Any>.() -> Unit)? = null): FormPanel<Any> |
formPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun <K : Any> Container.formPanel(method: FormMethod? = null, action: String? = null, enctype: FormEnctype? = null, type: FormType? = null, condensed: Boolean = false, horizRatio: FormHorizontalRatio = FormHorizontalRatio.RATIO_2, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, customSerializers: Map<KClass<*>, KSerializer<*>>? = null, init: (FormPanel<K>.() -> Unit)? = null): FormPanel<K> |
gridPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.gridPanel(autoColumns: String? = null, autoRows: String? = null, autoFlow: GridFlow? = null, templateColumns: String? = null, templateRows: String? = null, templateAreas: List<String>? = null, columnGap: Int? = null, rowGap: Int? = null, justifyItems: GridJustify? = null, alignItems: GridAlign? = null, justifyContent: GridJustifyContent? = null, alignContent: GridAlignContent? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (GridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): GridPanel |
h1 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h1(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H1.() -> Unit)? = null): H1 |
h2 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h2(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H2.() -> Unit)? = null): H2 |
h3 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h3(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H3.() -> Unit)? = null): H3 |
h4 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h4(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H4.() -> Unit)? = null): H4 |
h5 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h5(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H5.() -> Unit)? = null): H5 |
h6 |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.h6(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (H6.() -> Unit)? = null): H6 |
header |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.header(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Header.() -> Unit)? = null): Header |
hPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.hPanel(wrap: FlexWrap? = null, justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (HPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): HPanel |
icon |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.icon(icon: String, size: String? = null, rotate: Number? = null, fixedWidth: Boolean? = null, spin: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Icon.() -> Unit)? = null): Icon |
icon |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.icon(icon: String, init: (Icon.() -> Unit)? = null): Icon |
iframe |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.iframe(src: String? = null, srcdoc: String? = null, name: String? = null, iframeWidth: Int? = null, iframeHeight: Int? = null, sandbox: Set<Sandbox>? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Iframe.() -> Unit)? = null): Iframe |
image |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.image(src: ResString?, alt: String? = null, responsive: Boolean = false, shape: ImageShape? = null, centered: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Image.() -> Unit)? = null): Image |
label |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.label(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, forId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Label.() -> Unit)? = null): Label |
li |
DSL builder extension function. fun String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Li.() -> Unit)? = null): Li |
link |
DSL builder extension function. fun String, url: String? = null, icon: String? = null, image: ResString? = null, separator: String? = null, labelFirst: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Link.() -> Unit)? = null): Link |
listTag |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.listTag(type: ListType, elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ListTag.() -> Unit)? = null): ListTag |
main |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.main(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Main.() -> Unit)? = null): Main |
maps |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.maps(lat: Number, lng: Number, zoom: Number, showMarker: Boolean = false, baseLayerProvider: BaseLayerProvider = BaseLayerProvider.OSM, crs: CRS = CRS.EPSG3857, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Maps.() -> Unit)? = null): Maps |
modal |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.modal(animation: ModalAnimation? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Modal.() -> Unit)? = null): Modal |
nav |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.nav(: String? = null, : Boolean = false, : Align? = null, : Set<String>? = null, : String? = null, : (Nav.() -> Unit)? = null): Nav |
navbar |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.navbar(: String? = null, : String? = null, : NavbarType? = null, : NavbarExpand? = NavbarExpand.LG, : NavbarColor = NavbarColor.LIGHT, : BsBgColor = BsBgColor.LIGHT, : Boolean = false, : Set<String>? = null, : String? = null, : (Navbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Navbar |
navigator |
DSL builder extension function. fun Root.navigator(: NavAnimation? = null, : Boolean? = null, : Boolean? = null, : Set<String>? = null, : String? = null, : (Navigator.() -> Unit)? = null): Navigator |
ol |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.ol(elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Ol.() -> Unit)? = null): Ol |
onClick |
An extension function for defining on click event handlers. fun <T : Widget> T.onClick(handler: T.(MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int |
onEvent |
An extension function for defining event handlers. fun <T : Widget> T.onEvent(block: SnOn<T>.() -> Unit): Int |
onsButton |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsButton(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, icon: String? = null, buttonType: OnsButtonType? = null, large: Boolean? = null, ripple: Boolean? = null, disabled: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsButton.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsButton |
onsCheckBox |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsCheckBox(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsCheckBox.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsCheckBox |
onsCheckBoxInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsCheckBoxInput(value: Boolean = false, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsCheckBoxInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsCheckBoxInput |
onsDateTime |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsDateTime(value: Date? = null, mode: DateTimeMode = DateTimeMode.DATETIME, min: Date? = null, max: Date? = null, step: Number? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsDateTime.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsDateTime |
onsDateTimeInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsDateTimeInput(value: Date? = null, mode: DateTimeMode = DateTimeMode.DATETIME, min: Date? = null, max: Date? = null, step: Number? = null, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsDateTimeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsDateTimeInput |
onsList |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsList(inset: Boolean = false, noborder: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsList.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsList |
onsListTitle |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsListTitle(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsListTitle.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsListTitle |
onsNumber |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsNumber(value: Number? = null, min: Number? = null, max: Number? = null, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, placeholder: String? = null, floatLabel: Boolean? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsNumber.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsNumber |
onsNumberInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsNumberInput(value: Number? = null, min: Number? = null, max: Number? = null, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, placeholder: String? = null, floatLabel: Boolean? = null, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsNumberInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsNumberInput |
onsRadio |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRadio(value: Boolean = false, extraValue: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRadio.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRadio |
onsRadioGroup |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRadioGroup(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRadioGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRadioGroup |
onsRadioGroupInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRadioGroupInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRadioGroupInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRadioGroupInput |
onsRadioInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRadioInput(value: Boolean = false, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRadioInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRadioInput |
onsRange |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRange(value: Number? = null, min: Number = 0, max: Number = 100, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRange.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRange |
onsRangeInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsRangeInput(value: Number? = null, min: Number = 0, max: Number = 100, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsRangeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsRangeInput |
onsSelect |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, selectSize: Int? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsSelect.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsSelect |
onsSelectInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsSelectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, selectSize: Int? = null, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsSelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsSelectInput |
onsSwitch |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsSwitch(value: Boolean = false, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsSwitch.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsSwitch |
onsSwitchInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsSwitchInput(value: Boolean = false, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsSwitchInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsSwitchInput |
onsText |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsText(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, floatLabel: Boolean? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsText.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsText |
onsTextInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.onsTextInput(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, floatLabel: Boolean? = null, inputId: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (OnsTextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): OnsTextInput |
p |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.p(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (P.() -> Unit)? = null): P |
page |
DSL builder extension function. fun Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Page.() -> Unit)? = null): Page |
password |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.password(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Password.() -> Unit)? = null): Password |
popover |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.popover(direction: FloatDirection? = null, cancelable: Boolean? = null, animation: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Popover.() -> Unit)? = null): Popover |
progressBar |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.progressBar(progress: Int, min: Int = DEFAULT_MIN, max: Int = DEFAULT_MAX, style: ProgressBarStyle? = null, striped: Boolean = false, animated: Boolean = false, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressBar |
progressBar |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.progressBar(value: Number? = null, secondaryValue: Number? = null, indeterminate: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ProgressBar.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressBar |
progressCircular |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.progressCircular(value: Number? = null, secondaryValue: Number? = null, indeterminate: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ProgressCircular.() -> Unit)? = null): ProgressCircular |
radio |
DSL builder extension function. fun Boolean = false, extraValue: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Radio.() -> Unit)? = null): Radio |
radioGroup |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.radioGroup(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroup.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroup |
radioGroupInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.radioGroupInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, inline: Boolean = false, init: (RadioGroupInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioGroupInput |
radioInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.radioInput(value: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (CheckInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RadioInput |
range |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.range(value: Number? = null, name: String? = null, min: Number = 0, max: Number = 100, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Range.() -> Unit)? = null): Range |
rangeInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.rangeInput(value: Number? = null, min: Number = 0, max: Number = 100, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (RangeInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RangeInput |
react |
DSL builder extension function. fun <S> Container.react(state: S, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, builder: RBuilder.(getState: () -> S, changeState: ((S) -> S) -> Unit) -> Unit): React<S> fun Container.react(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, builder: RBuilder.() -> Unit): React<dynamic> |
removeBsBgColor |
fun Component.removeBsBgColor(bsBgColor: BsBgColor): Unit |
removeBsBorder |
fun Component.removeBsBorder(vararg bsBorder: BsBorder): Unit |
removeBsClearfix |
fun Component.removeBsClearfix(): Unit |
removeBsColor |
fun Component.removeBsColor(bsColor: BsColor): Unit |
removeBsRounded |
fun Component.removeBsRounded(vararg bsRounded: BsRounded): Unit |
responsiveGridPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.responsiveGridPanel(gridSize: GridSize = GridSize.MD, rows: Int = 0, cols: Int = 0, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (ResponsiveGridPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): ResponsiveGridPanel |
richText |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.richText(value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (RichText.() -> Unit)? = null): RichText |
richTextInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.richTextInput(value: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (RichTextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): RichTextInput |
ripple |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.ripple(rippleColor: Color? = null, rippleBackground: Color? = null, size: RippleSize? = null, center: Boolean? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Ripple.() -> Unit)? = null): Ripple |
row |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.row(rowVerticalAlign: GridVerticalAlign? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Row.() -> Unit)? = null): Row |
section |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.section(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Section.() -> Unit)? = null): Section |
segment |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.segment(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Segment.() -> Unit)? = null): Segment |
select |
DSL builder extension function. fun List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Select.() -> Unit)? = null): Select |
selectInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.selectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectInput |
selectRemote |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<RemoteOption>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, preload: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SelectRemote<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemote<T> |
selectRemoteInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any> Container.selectRemoteInput(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?, String?) -> List<RemoteOption>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, value: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, ajaxOptions: AjaxOptions? = null, preload: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SelectRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): SelectRemoteInput<T> |
setContextMenu |
Sets context menu for the current widget. fun Widget.setContextMenu(contextMenu: ContextMenu): Widget |
simplePanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.simplePanel(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SimplePanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SimplePanel |
simpleSelect |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.simpleSelect(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, selectSize: Int? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (SimpleSelect.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelect |
simpleSelectInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.simpleSelectInput(options: List<StringPair>? = null, value: String? = null, emptyOption: Boolean = false, multiple: Boolean = false, selectSize: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SimpleSelectInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SimpleSelectInput |
span |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.span(content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Span.() -> Unit)? = null): Span |
speedDial |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.speedDial(icon: String? = null, floatPosition: FloatPosition? = null, floatDirection: FloatDirection? = null, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SpeedDial.() -> Unit)? = null): SpeedDial |
spinner |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.spinner(value: Number? = null, name: String? = null, min: Number? = null, max: Number? = null, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Spinner.() -> Unit)? = null): Spinner |
spinnerInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.spinnerInput(value: Number? = null, min: Number? = null, max: Number? = null, step: Number = DEFAULT_STEP, decimals: Int = 0, buttonsType: ButtonsType = ButtonsType.VERTICAL, forceType: ForceType = ForceType.NONE, buttonStyle: ButtonStyle? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SpinnerInput.() -> Unit)? = null): SpinnerInput |
splitPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.splitPanel(direction: Direction = Direction.VERTICAL, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (SplitPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): SplitPanel |
splitter |
DSL builder extension function. fun Root.splitter(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Splitter.() -> Unit)? = null): Splitter |
stackPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.stackPanel(activateLast: Boolean = true, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (StackPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): StackPanel |
stateBinding |
DSL builder extension function. fun <S : Any, CONT : Container> CONT. |
stateUpdate |
DSL builder extension function for updateable redux content. fun <S : Any, CONT : Container, CONTENT> CONT. |
style |
DSL builder extension function. fun String? = null, init: (Style.() -> Unit)? = null): Style |
table |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.table(headerNames: List<String>? = null, types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), caption: String? = null, responsiveType: ResponsiveType? = null, theadType: TheadType? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Table.() -> Unit)? = null): Table |
tabPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.tabPanel(tabPosition: TabPosition = TabPosition.TOP, sideTabSize: SideTabSize = SideTabSize.SIZE_3, scrollableTabs: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TabPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): TabPanel |
tabulator |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(data: List<T>? = null, dataUpdateOnEdit: Boolean = true, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for a general observable store. fun <T : Any, S : Any> Container.tabulator(store: ObservableState<S>, dataFactory: (S) -> List<T>, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T>
DSL builder extension function for dynamic data (send within options parameter). fun <T : Any> Container.tabulator(options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Tabulator<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): Tabulator<T> |
tabulatorRemote |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any, E : Any> Container.tabulatorRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<E>, function: suspend E.(Int?, Int?, List<RemoteFilter>?, List<RemoteSorter>?, String?) -> RemoteData<T>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, options: TabulatorOptions<T> = TabulatorOptions(), types: Set<TableType> = setOf(), classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TabulatorRemote<T, E>.() -> Unit)? = null): TabulatorRemote<T, E> |
tag |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.tag(type: TAG, content: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, align: Align? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, attributes: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), init: (Tag.() -> Unit)? = null): Tag |
text |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.text(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Text.() -> Unit)? = null): Text |
textArea |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.textArea(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TextArea.() -> Unit)? = null): TextArea |
textAreaInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.textAreaInput(cols: Int? = null, rows: Int? = null, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TextAreaInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextAreaInput |
textInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.textInput(type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TextInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TextInput |
textNode |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.textNode(content: String, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TextNode.() -> Unit)? = null): TextNode |
toast |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.toast(animation: ToastAnimation? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Toast.() -> Unit)? = null): Toast |
toolbar |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.toolbar(size: ButtonGroupSize? = null, spacing: Int = 2, vertical: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Toolbar.() -> Unit)? = null): Toolbar |
typeahead |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.typeahead(options: List<String>? = null, taAjaxOptions: TaAjaxOptions? = null, items: Int? = 8, minLength: Int = 1, delay: Int = 0, type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Typeahead.() -> Unit)? = null): Typeahead |
typeaheadInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.typeaheadInput(options: List<String>? = null, taAjaxOptions: TaAjaxOptions? = null, items: Int? = 8, minLength: Int = 1, delay: Int = 0, type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TypeaheadInput.() -> Unit)? = null): TypeaheadInput |
typeaheadRemote |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any> Container.typeaheadRemote(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, items: Int? = 8, minLength: Int = 1, delay: Int = 0, type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, name: String? = null, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (TypeaheadRemote<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): TypeaheadRemote<T> |
typeaheadRemoteInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun <T : Any> Container.typeaheadRemoteInput(serviceManager: KVServiceManager<T>, function: suspend T.(String?, String?) -> List<String>, stateFunction: (() -> String)? = null, items: Int? = 8, minLength: Int = 1, delay: Int = 0, type: TextInputType = TextInputType.TEXT, value: String? = null, taAjaxOptions: TaAjaxOptions? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (TypeaheadRemoteInput<T>.() -> Unit)? = null): TypeaheadRemoteInput<T> |
ul |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.ul(elements: List<String>? = null, rich: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Ul.() -> Unit)? = null): Ul |
upload |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.upload(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, label: String? = null, rich: Boolean = false, init: (Upload.() -> Unit)? = null): Upload |
uploadInput |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.uploadInput(uploadUrl: String? = null, multiple: Boolean = false, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (UploadInput.() -> Unit)? = null): UploadInput |
vPanel |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.vPanel(justify: FlexJustify? = null, alignItems: FlexAlignItems? = null, spacing: Int? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (VPanel.() -> Unit)? = null): VPanel |
widget |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.widget(classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Widget.() -> Unit)? = null): Widget |
widgetWrapper |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.widgetWrapper(wrapped: Component?, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (WidgetWrapper.() -> Unit)? = null): WidgetWrapper |
window |
DSL builder extension function. fun Container.window(caption: String? = null, contentWidth: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, contentHeight: CssSize? = CssSize(0,, isResizable: Boolean = true, isDraggable: Boolean = true, closeButton: Boolean = false, maximizeButton: Boolean = false, minimizeButton: Boolean = false, icon: String? = null, classes: Set<String>? = null, className: String? = null, init: (Window.() -> Unit)? = null): Window |