kvision / pl.treksoft.kvision.panel / root


(js) fun Application.root(id: String, containerType: ContainerType = ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = containerType != ContainerType.FIXED, init: Root.() -> Unit): Root

Create new Root container based on ID


id - ID attribute of element in the main HTML file

containerType - Bootstrap container type

addRow - if true, a element is rendered inside the root container (default is based on container type)

init - an initializer extension function

the created Root container

(js) fun Application.root(element: HTMLElement, containerType: ContainerType = ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = containerType != ContainerType.FIXED, init: Root.() -> Unit): Root

Create new Root container based on HTML element


element - HTML element in the DOM tree

containerType - Bootstrap container type

addRow - if true, a element is rendered inside the root container (default is based on container type)

init - an initializer extension function

the created Root container

(js) fun Application.root(id: String, fixed: Boolean = false, containerType: ContainerType = if (fixed) ContainerType.FIXED else ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = !fixed, init: Root.() -> Unit): Root
Deprecated: Use builder function without fixed parameter

Create new Root container based on ID


id - ID attribute of element in the main HTML file

fixed - if false, the container is rendered with Bootstrap "container-fluid" class, otherwise it's rendered with "container" class (default is false)

containerType - Bootstrap container type

addRow - if true, a element is rendered inside the root container

init - an initializer extension function

the created Root container

(js) fun Application.root(element: HTMLElement, fixed: Boolean = false, containerType: ContainerType = if (fixed) ContainerType.FIXED else ContainerType.FLUID, addRow: Boolean = !fixed, init: Root.() -> Unit): Root
Deprecated: Use builder function without fixed parameter

Create new Root container based on HTML element


element - HTML element in the DOM tree

fixed - if false, the container is rendered with Bootstrap "container-fluid" class, otherwise it's rendered with "container" class (default is false)

containerType - Bootstrap container type

addRow - if true, a element is rendered inside the root container

init - an initializer extension function

the created Root container