Package-level declarations


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@ConfigurationProperties(value = "ssr")
open class SsrConfig(val nodeExecutable: String? = null, val port: Int? = null, val externalSsrService: String? = null, val rpcUrlPrefix: String? = null, val rootId: String? = null, val contextPath: String? = null, val noCache: Boolean = false)

SSR configuration properties.

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@ConfigurationPropertiesScan(value = ["dev.kilua.ssr"])
open class SsrConfiguration

Kilua SSR configuration for Spring Boot.

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@Order(value = -2)
open class SsrErrorWebExceptionHandler(viewResolvers: ObjectProvider<ViewResolver>, serverCodecConfigurer: ServerCodecConfigurer, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes, resources: WebProperties, serverProperties: ServerProperties, applicationContext: ApplicationContext, ssrEngine: SsrEngine) : DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler

404 error handler for SSR and history api routing.

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open class SsrHandler(ssrEngine: SsrEngine)

SSR handler for the root route.

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open class SsrRouterConfiguration

SSR router configuration for Spring Boot.

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open class WebFluxConfig : WebFluxConfigurer

Register application/wasm mime type.