
interface ISvgTag : ITag<HTMLElement>

Base SVG tag interface.



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abstract val accesskey: Char?
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abstract val alignContent: AlignContent?
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abstract val alignItems: AlignItems?
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abstract val alignSelf: AlignItems?
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abstract val ariaDescribedby: String?
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abstract val ariaLabel: String?
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abstract val ariaLabelledby: String?
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abstract val attributeName: String?

The attribute name.

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abstract val autofocus: Boolean?
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abstract val background: Background?
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abstract val border: Border?
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abstract val borderBottom: Border?
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abstract val borderLeft: Border?
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abstract val borderRadius: CssSize?
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abstract val borderRadiusList: List<CssSize>?
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abstract val borderRight: Border?
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abstract val borderTop: Border?
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abstract val bottom: CssSize?
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abstract val boxShadow: BoxShadow?
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abstract val boxShadowList: List<BoxShadow>?
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abstract val className: String?
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abstract val clear: Clear?
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abstract val color: Color?
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abstract val columnGap: CssSize?
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abstract val cursor: Cursor?
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abstract val cx: CssSize?

The cx attribute.

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abstract val cy: CssSize?

The cy attribute.

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abstract val d: String?

The d attribute.

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abstract val direction: Direction?
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abstract val display: Display?
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abstract val draggable: Boolean?
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abstract val element: HTMLElement
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abstract val fill: String?

The fill attribute.

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abstract val fillOpacity: Number?

The fill opacity attribute.

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abstract val fillRule: String?

The fill rule attribute.

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abstract val flexBasis: CssSize?
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abstract val flexGrow: Int?
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abstract val flexShrink: Int?
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abstract val flexWrap: FlexWrap?
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abstract val float: CssFloat?
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abstract val fontFamily: String?
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abstract val fontSize: CssSize?
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abstract val fontStyle: FontStyle?
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abstract val fontVariant: FontVariant?
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abstract val fontWeight: FontWeight?
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abstract val gridArea: String?
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abstract val gridAutoColumns: String?
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abstract val gridAutoFlow: GridAutoFlow?
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abstract val gridAutoRows: String?
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abstract val gridColumnEnd: String?
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abstract val gridColumnStart: Int?
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abstract val gridRowEnd: String?
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abstract val gridRowStart: Int?
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abstract val gridTemplateAreas: List<String>?
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abstract val gridTemplateRows: String?
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abstract val height: CssSize?
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abstract val href: String?

The href attribute.

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abstract val id: String?
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abstract val justifyItems: JustifyItems?
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abstract val justifySelf: JustifyItems?
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abstract val left: CssSize?
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abstract val letterSpacing: CssSize?
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abstract val lineBreak: LineBreak?
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abstract val lineHeight: CssSize?
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abstract val listStyle: ListStyle?
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abstract val margin: CssSize?
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abstract val marginBottom: CssSize?
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abstract val marginLeft: CssSize?
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abstract val marginRight: CssSize?
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abstract val marginTop: CssSize?
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abstract val maxHeight: CssSize?
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abstract val maxWidth: CssSize?
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abstract val minHeight: CssSize?
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abstract val minWidth: CssSize?
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abstract val opacity: Double?
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abstract val order: Int?
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abstract val outline: Outline?
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abstract val overflow: Overflow?
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abstract val overflowWrap: OverflowWrap?
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abstract val overflowX: Overflow?
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abstract val overflowY: Overflow?
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abstract val padding: CssSize?
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abstract val paddingBottom: CssSize?
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abstract val paddingLeft: CssSize?
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abstract val paddingRight: CssSize?
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abstract val paddingTop: CssSize?
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abstract val points: String?

The points attribute.

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abstract val position: Position?
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abstract val r: CssSize?

The r attribute.

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abstract override val renderConfig: RenderConfig
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abstract val resize: Resize?
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abstract val right: CssSize?
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abstract val role: String?
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abstract val rowGap: CssSize?
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abstract val rx: CssSize?

The rx attribute.

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abstract val ry: CssSize?

The ry attribute.

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abstract val tabindex: Int?
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abstract val textAlign: TextAlign?
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abstract val textIndent: CssSize?
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abstract val textOverflow: TextOverflow?
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abstract val textShadow: TextShadow?
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abstract val title: String?
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abstract val to: String?

The to attribute.

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abstract val top: CssSize?
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abstract val transform: String?

The transform attribute.

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abstract val transition: Transition?
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abstract val unicodeBidi: UnicodeBidi?
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abstract val viewBox: String?

The viewBox attribute.

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abstract val whiteSpace: WhiteSpace?
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abstract val width: CssSize?
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abstract val wordBreak: WordBreak?
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abstract val wordSpacing: CssSize?
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abstract val x: CssSize?

The x attribute.

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abstract val x1: CssSize?

The x1 attribute.

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abstract val x2: CssSize?

The x2 attribute.

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abstract val y: CssSize?

The y attribute.

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abstract val y1: CssSize?

The y1 attribute.

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abstract val y2: CssSize?

The y2 attribute.

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abstract val zIndex: Int?


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fun ISvgTag.a(href: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "a" tag.

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abstract fun accesskey(accesskey: Char?)
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abstract fun alignContent(alignContent: AlignContent?)
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abstract fun alignItems(alignItems: AlignItems?)
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abstract fun alignSelf(alignSelf: AlignItems?)
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fun ISvgTag.animate(id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "animate" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.animateMotion(id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "animateMotion" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.animateTransform(id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "animateTransform" tag.

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abstract fun ariaDescribedby(ariaDescribedby: String?)
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abstract fun ariaLabel(ariaLabel: String?)
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abstract fun ariaLabelledby(ariaLabelledby: String?)
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abstract fun attribute(name: String, value: String?)
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abstract fun attributeName(attributeName: String?)

Sets the attribute name.

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abstract fun autofocus(autofocus: Boolean?)
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abstract fun background(background: Background?)
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abstract fun blur()
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abstract fun border(border: Border?)
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abstract fun borderBottom(borderBottom: Border?)
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abstract fun borderLeft(borderLeft: Border?)
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abstract fun borderRadius(borderRadius: CssSize?)
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abstract fun borderRadiusList(borderRadiusList: List<CssSize>?)
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abstract fun borderRight(borderRight: Border?)
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abstract fun borderTop(borderTop: Border?)
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abstract fun bottom(bottom: CssSize?)
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abstract fun boxShadow(boxShadow: BoxShadow?)
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abstract fun boxShadowList(boxShadowList: List<BoxShadow>?)
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fun CssSize, cy: CssSize, r: CssSize, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "circle" tag.

fun Number, cy: Number, r: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "circle" tag with plain numer attributes.

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abstract fun className(className: String?)
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abstract fun clear(clear: Clear?)
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abstract fun clearDragDropData()
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abstract fun clearDropTarget()
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fun ISvgTag.clipPath(id: String, className: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "clipPath" tag.

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abstract fun color(color: Color?)
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abstract fun columnGap(columnGap: CssSize?)
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abstract fun cursor(cursor: Cursor?)
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abstract fun cx(cx: CssSize?)

Sets the cx attribute.

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abstract fun cy(cy: CssSize?)

Sets the cy attribute.

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abstract fun d(d: String?)

Sets the d attribute.

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fun ISvgTag.defs(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "defs" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.desc(text: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "desc" tag.

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abstract fun direction(direction: Direction?)
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abstract fun display(display: Display?)
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abstract fun draggable(draggable: Boolean?)
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fun ISvgTag.ellipse(cx: CssSize, cy: CssSize, rx: CssSize, ry: CssSize, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "ellipse" tag.

fun ISvgTag.ellipse(cx: Number, cy: Number, rx: Number, ry: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "ellipse" tag with plain number attributes.

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abstract fun fill(fill: String?)

Sets the fill attribute.

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abstract fun fillOpacity(fillOpacity: Number?)

Sets the fill opacity attribute.

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abstract fun fillRule(fillRule: String?)

Sets the fill rule attribute.

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fun ISvgTag.filter(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "filter" tag.

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abstract fun flexBasis(flexBasis: CssSize?)
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abstract fun flexDirection(flexDirection: FlexDirection?)
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abstract fun flexGrow(flexGrow: Int?)
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abstract fun flexShrink(flexShrink: Int?)
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abstract fun flexWrap(flexWrap: FlexWrap?)
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abstract fun float(float: CssFloat?)
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abstract fun focus()
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abstract fun fontFamily(fontFamily: String?)
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abstract fun fontSize(fontSize: CssSize?)
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abstract fun fontStyle(fontStyle: FontStyle?)
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abstract fun fontVariant(fontVariant: FontVariant?)
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abstract fun fontWeight(fontWeight: FontWeight?)
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fun ISvgTag.g(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "g" tag.

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abstract fun getAttribute(name: String): String?
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abstract fun getStyle(name: String): String?
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abstract fun gridArea(gridArea: String?)
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abstract fun gridAutoColumns(gridAutoColumns: String?)
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abstract fun gridAutoFlow(gridAutoFlow: GridAutoFlow?)
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abstract fun gridAutoRows(gridAutoRows: String?)
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abstract fun gridColumnEnd(gridColumnEnd: String?)
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abstract fun gridColumnStart(gridColumnStart: Int?)
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abstract fun gridRowEnd(gridRowEnd: String?)
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abstract fun gridRowStart(gridRowStart: Int?)
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abstract fun gridTemplateAreas(gridTemplateAreas: List<String>?)
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abstract fun gridTemplateColumns(gridTemplateColumns: String?)
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abstract fun gridTemplateRows(gridTemplateRows: String?)
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abstract fun height(height: CssSize?)
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abstract fun href(href: String?)

Sets the href attribute.

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abstract fun id(id: String?)
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fun ISvgTag.image(href: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "image" tag.

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abstract fun justifyContent(justifyContent: JustifyContent?)
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abstract fun justifyItems(justifyItems: JustifyItems?)
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abstract fun justifySelf(justifySelf: JustifyItems?)
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abstract fun left(left: CssSize?)
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abstract fun letterSpacing(letterSpacing: CssSize?)
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fun ISvgTag.line(x1: CssSize, y1: CssSize, x2: CssSize, y2: CssSize, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "line" tag.

fun ISvgTag.line(x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "line" tag with plain number attributes.

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fun ISvgTag.linearGradient(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "linearGradient" tag.

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abstract fun lineBreak(lineBreak: LineBreak?)
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abstract fun lineHeight(lineHeight: CssSize?)
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abstract fun listStyle(listStyle: ListStyle?)
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abstract fun margin(margin: CssSize?)
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abstract fun marginBottom(marginBottom: CssSize?)
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abstract fun marginLeft(marginLeft: CssSize?)
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abstract fun marginRight(marginRight: CssSize?)
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abstract fun marginTop(marginTop: CssSize?)
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fun ISvgTag.marker(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "marker" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.mask(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "mask" tag.

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abstract fun maxHeight(maxHeight: CssSize?)
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abstract fun maxWidth(maxWidth: CssSize?)
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abstract fun minHeight(minHeight: CssSize?)
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abstract fun minWidth(minWidth: CssSize?)
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fun ISvgTag.mpath(id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "mpath" tag.

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abstract fun onBlur(listener: (FocusEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onBlurDirect(listener: (FocusEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onChange(listener: (Event) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onChangeDirect(listener: (Event) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onClick(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onClickDirect(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onContextmenu(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onContextmenuDirect(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onDblclick(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onDblclickDirect(listener: (MouseEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun <EV : Event> onEvent(name: String, listener: (EV) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun <EV : Event> onEventDirect(name: String, listener: (EV) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onFocus(listener: (FocusEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onFocusDirect(listener: (FocusEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onInput(listener: (InputEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onInputDirect(listener: (InputEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeydown(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeydownDirect(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeypress(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeypressDirect(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeyup(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun onKeyupDirect(listener: (KeyboardEvent) -> Unit): Int
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abstract fun opacity(opacity: Double?)
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abstract fun order(order: Int?)
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abstract fun outline(outline: Outline?)
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abstract fun overflow(overflow: Overflow?)
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abstract fun overflowWrap(overflowWrap: OverflowWrap?)
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abstract fun overflowX(overflowX: Overflow?)
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abstract fun overflowY(overflowY: Overflow?)
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abstract fun padding(padding: CssSize?)
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abstract fun paddingBottom(paddingBottom: CssSize?)
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abstract fun paddingLeft(paddingLeft: CssSize?)
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abstract fun paddingRight(paddingRight: CssSize?)
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abstract fun paddingTop(paddingTop: CssSize?)
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fun ISvgTag.path(d: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "path" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.pattern(id: String, className: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "pattern" tag.

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abstract fun points(points: String?)

Sets the points attribute.

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fun ISvgTag.polygon(vararg points: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "polygon" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.polyline(vararg points: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "polyline" tag.

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abstract fun position(position: Position?)
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abstract fun r(r: CssSize?)

Sets the r attribute.

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fun ISvgTag.radialGradient(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "radialGradient" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.rect(x: CssSize, y: CssSize, width: CssSize, height: CssSize, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "rect" tag.

fun ISvgTag.rect(x: Number, y: Number, width: Number, height: Number, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "rect" tag with plain number attributes.

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abstract fun removeEventListener(name: String, id: Int?)
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abstract fun resize(resize: Resize?)
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abstract fun right(right: CssSize?)
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abstract fun role(role: String?)
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abstract fun rowGap(rowGap: CssSize?)
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abstract fun rx(rx: CssSize?)

Sets the rx attribute.

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abstract fun ry(ry: CssSize?)

Sets the ry attribute.

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fun ISvgTag.set(attributeName: String, to: String, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "set" tag.

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abstract fun setDragDropData(format: String, data: String)
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abstract fun setDropTarget(callback: (DragEvent) -> Unit)
abstract fun setDropTarget(format: String, callback: (DragEvent) -> Unit)
abstract fun setDropTarget(formats: Set<String>?, callback: (DragEvent) -> Unit)
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abstract fun setDropTargetData(format: String, callback: (String?) -> Unit)
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fun ISvgTag.stop(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "stop" tag.

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abstract fun style(name: String, value: String?)
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fun IComponent.svg(viewBox: String? = null, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG tag.

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fun ISvgTag.svgElement(name: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG custom element tag.

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fun ISvgTag.svgTitle(text: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "title" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.switch(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "switch" tag.

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fun ISvgTag.symbol(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "symbol" tag.

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abstract fun tabindex(tabindex: Int?)
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fun ISvgTag.text(text: String, x: Number = 0, y: Number = 0, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "text" tag.

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abstract fun textAlign(textAlign: TextAlign?)
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abstract fun textDecoration(textDecoration: TextDecoration?)
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abstract fun textIndent(textIndent: CssSize?)
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abstract fun textOverflow(textOverflow: TextOverflow?)
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fun ISvgTag.textPath(href: String, text: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, setup: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "textPath" tag.

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abstract fun textShadow(textShadow: TextShadow?)
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abstract fun textTransform(textTransform: TextTransform?)
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abstract fun title(title: String?)
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abstract fun to(to: String?)

Sets the to attribute.

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abstract fun top(top: CssSize?)
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abstract fun transform(transform: String?)

Sets the transform attribute.

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abstract fun transition(transition: Transition?)
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abstract fun transitionList(transitionList: List<Transition>?)
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fun ISvgTag.tspan(className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "tspan" tag.

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open operator fun String.unaryPlus()
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abstract fun unicodeBidi(unicodeBidi: UnicodeBidi?)
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fun ISvgTag.use(href: String, className: String? = null, id: String? = null, content: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "use" tag.

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abstract fun verticalAlign(verticalAlign: VerticalAlign?)
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fun ISvgTag.view(id: String, viewBox: String, setup: @Composable ISvgTag.() -> Unit = {})

SVG "view" tag.

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abstract fun viewBox(viewBox: String?)

Sets the viewBox attribute.

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abstract fun visible(visible: Boolean)
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abstract fun whiteSpace(whiteSpace: WhiteSpace?)
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abstract fun width(width: CssSize?)
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abstract fun wordBreak(wordBreak: WordBreak?)
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abstract fun wordSpacing(wordSpacing: CssSize?)
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abstract fun x(x: CssSize?)

Sets the x attribute.

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abstract fun x1(x1: CssSize?)

Sets the x1 attribute.

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abstract fun x2(x2: CssSize?)

Sets the x2 attribute.

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abstract fun y(y: CssSize?)

Sets the y attribute.

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abstract fun y1(y1: CssSize?)

Sets the y1 attribute.

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abstract fun y2(y2: CssSize?)

Sets the y2 attribute.

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abstract fun zIndex(zIndex: Int?)